(alsomandarin orange)
asmall,sweettypeoforangethat has athinner,looserskin:
柑橘Peel andsegmenttwo mandarins and setaside.
I've also had thissaladwith mandarinorangeslices,choppedapple, orslicedgrapes.

Paul Williams - Funkystock/imageBROKER/GettyImages
- Iwalkinto thefruitmarketto begreetedbyaislesoforanges, mandarins,apples,lemons, andpears.
- She got thebeetrootandgoatcheesesalad, withspinach,walnuts, and mandarinoranges.
- Thecrêpebatterisflavouredwith mandarinorangejuice.
Types of fruit
- ackee
- alligator pear
- amla
- angelica
- açaí
- cooker
- cooking apple
- copra
- crab apple
- cranberry
- kumquat
- lingonberry
- litchi
- loganberry
- longan
- prickly pear
- prune
- pumpkin
- quince
- raisin
apersonwho has a veryimportantjobin thegovernment, and who is sometimesconsideredto be toopowerful:
官僚,政界要人It oftenseemsthattruepowerlieswith the CivilServicemandarins,ratherthanMPsandcabinetministers.实权似乎往往掌握在行政机构的高官手中,而不是议员和内阁部长手中。
Government ministers & civil servants
- aide
- am
- attorney general
- backbencher
- cabinet
- Foreign Secretary
- functionary
- government
- Home Secretary
- interministerial
- private secretary
- Privy Councillor
- procurator
- public servant
- secretary
- syndic
- town clerk
- undersecretary
- vizier
- Whitehall