Martello tower
(alsoMartello Tower)uk/mɑːˌtel.əʊ ˈtaʊ.ər/us/mɑːrˌtel.oʊ ˈtaʊ.ɚ/one of thesmallforts(=militarybuildingsdesignedto bedefendedagainstattack)that werebuiltaround thecoastsof the British Isles during thewarsagainst Napoleon in the 19thcentury, and at othertimesincertainothercountries:
石造圆形炮塔,马特洛炮塔(在19世纪抗击拿破仑的战争中,英伦三岛沿海地区修建的小堡垒,在其他一些国家也有修建)Dymchurch hasitsown Martellotowerin thecentreof thetown,builttoprotectagainst Napoleonicinvasion.戴姆彻奇在镇中心有一座圆形炮塔,当年是为了抵御拿破仑入侵而修建的。
Helivesin aconvertedMartello Tower on the Suffolkcoast.他住在萨福克海岸一个改造过的圆形炮塔里。

David Milligan/EyeEm/GettyImages
- Thereexistedarealthreatof aninvasionof the British Isles by theFrenchforcesunder Napoleon, somilitiagroupswereformedand Martello Towers wereerectedaround thecoastline.
- The James Joyce Museum ishousedin one of the MartellotowersbuilttodefendIreland from Napoleon'sthreatenedinvasion.
- In thecenterof theparkyou llseeamassiveMartellotower,builtin 1805, aspartof Québec's newdefensesagainst apotentialAmericanattack.
- acropolis
- barricade
- bastion
- battlements
- castle
- defensive architecture
- drawbridge
- earthwork
- enceinte
- entanglement
- fortress
- foxhole
- moat
- moated
- motte
- redoubt
- stockade
- storm cellar
- stronghold
- turret
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Places involved in military activity