uk/mɑːsk/us/mæsk/masknoun[C](FACE COVER)
acoveringfor all orpartof thefacethatprotects,hides, ordecoratesthepersonwearingit:
Masks werecompulsoryonpublictransportforhealthreasons.

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- You'llfrightenthebabywearingthat mask.
- The mask was solifelikeit wasquitefrightening.
- We had towearaprotectivemask andgoggles.
Hats & scarves
- ascot
- balaclava
- bandana
- baseball cap
- beanie
- cycle helmet
- deerstalker
- dicky bow
- do-rag
- dunce's cap
- kippa
- millinery
- mitre
- mortarboard
- neckerchief
- topper
- toque
- trencher
- trilby
- tuque
acreamor apieceofthinmaterialthat islefton theskinfor sometimeand thenremoved, inorderto make theskinlookandfeelbetter:
This maskquicklyabsorbsexcessoilandleavesskinsoftandclean.
If youfeellikespoilingyourskin, you cantryafootmask.
See also
face mask
hair mask
Make-up & skin care
- aha
- alpha-hydroxy acid
- anti-wrinkle
- argan oil
- au naturel
- barefaced
- greasepaint
- liner
- lippy
- lipsalve
- lipstick
- made up
- mascara
- mascaraed
- mattify
- mattifying
- mudpack
- suntan lotion
- toner
- warpaint
masknoun[C](HIDING TRUTH)
掩饰;伪装Thenewspaperrevealedthesordidtruthbehind his maskofrespectability.报纸揭露了他体面外表下龌龊肮脏的真实嘴脸。
Faking & pretending
- affect
- air guitar
- assume
- believe
- changeling
- charlatan
- cry
- false
- false modesty
- falsifiable
- falsify
- feign
- mountebank
- out-bluff
- passsomethingoff assomething
- phoney
- play-act
- professed
- purport
- quack
masknoun[C](OF ANIMAL)
anareaaround theeyesof ananimalorbirdthat is a differentcolourto therestofitsface:
Thebirdhas ayellowfacewith adarkmask.
The head & face
- -cheeked
- -chinned
- -faced
- -necked
- cheekbone
- chin
- countenance
- dimpled
- duck face
- frontal
- jowl
- mandible
- modiolus
- mug
- nose
- nucha
- nuchal
- orthognathic
- physiognomy
- weak
someone'smask slips
uk/mɑːsk/us/mæsk/topreventsomething from beingseenornoticed:
掩饰;掩盖;遮蔽I've put someflowersin there to mask thesmell.我在那儿放了一些花来遮住那种味道。
to keep someone or something from being seen
- hideI'll need to hide the sweets so the children don't find them.
- concealHe did his best to conceal his true feelings from his spouse.
- secreteThe spies smuggled the films out of the country by secreting them in the lining of their coats.
- cloakThe proceedings were cloaked in secrecy.
Hiding and disguising
- be holed upidiom
- booby trap
- camo
- camouflage
- camouflaged
- cloak
- drown
- hiding
- hit the deckidiom
- hole up (somewhere)
- illusion
- incognito
- obscure
- secrete
- shutsomeone/somethingout
- sidle
- skulk
- smokescreen
- stash
- tuck
Phrasal verb
mask up