adjective[before noun]
having aneffecton orinvolvingalargenumberofpeopleorformingalargeamount:
大量的;大规模的;大批的weaponsof massdestruction大规模杀伤性武器
a massmurderer杀人狂
Oppositiongroupsplantostagemassdemonstrationsall over thecountry.反对组织计划在全国发起大规模游行示威。
- Duringtimesof massunemployment, there's apoolofcheaplabourforemployerstodrawfrom.
- There were mass deportations in the 1930s, when thousands ofpeoplewereforcedtoleavethecountry.
- There have been massdesertionsfrom thepartyinrecentmonths.
- There has been a massexodusofworkersfrom thevillagesto thetowns.
- Theregimetriedtosilencedissentwith aprogrammeof massmurder.
Big and quite big
- appreciable
- baronial
- bloated
- bulky
- burly
- expansive
- heaping
- hearty
- hefty
- higher
- hulking
- palatial
- rambling
- roomy
- royal
- savage
- sizable
- sizeable
- the bigger the betteridiom
- walk-in
uk/mæs/us/mæs/massnoun(LARGE AMOUNT)
alargeamountof something that has noparticularshapeorarrangement:
a lot:
许多,大量[+ to infinitive]I've got massestodo at theweekend.我周末有许多事要做。
There were massesofpeopleintowntoday.今天城里人很多。
the mass ofsomething
most of something:
…的主要部分,…的主体;…的大多数The mass of thepeoplesupportthereforms.大多数人支持改革。
- Her daughter'shairis a mass ofwonderfulredcorkscrewcurls.
- She wasdisappointedtoseeheressayreturnedwith a mass ofcorrectionsinredink.
- Theliquidsuddenlysolidifiesinto agelatinousmass.
- Short-grainriceturnsinto asoftglutinousmass whencooked.
- Aseethingmass ofchildrencrowdedaround thetables.
Masses and large amounts of things
- accumulation
- any number ofthingsidiom
- armload
- backlog
- bolus
- flood
- foam
- hulk
- logjam
- many
- motherlode
- multi-million
- multitude
- pile
- the lion's shareidiom
- tsunami
- wave after/upon waveidiom
- wedge
- welter
- wodge
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Maximum and minimum
massnoun(SOLID LUMP)
asolidlumpwith noclearshape:
团,块,堆Thesaucewas now astickymass at thebottomof thepan.酱汁现在成了黏稠的一团,粘在平底锅锅底。
Masses and large amounts of things
- accumulation
- any number ofthingsidiom
- armload
- backlog
- bolus
- flood
- foam
- hulk
- logjam
- many
- motherlode
- multi-million
- multitude
- pile
- the lion's shareidiom
- tsunami
- wave after/upon waveidiom
- wedge
- welter
- wodge
the masses
theordinarypeoplewhoformthelargestgroupin asociety:
群众,平民He waspopularwith therichbutfailedtowinthesupportof the masses.他很受贵族阶层的欢迎,但没有赢得民众的支持。
Ordinary people
- banausic
- community
- Essex girl
- everyman
- grassroots
- John Doe
- John Q. Public
- man/woman of the peopleidiom
- mass market
- mortal
- omnibus
- popular
- popularly
- prole
- public
- rabble
- ruck
- the common manidiom
- the man/woman in the streetidiom
- the man/woman on the Clapham omnibusidiom
theamountofmatterin anysolidobjector in anyvolumeofliquidorgas:
质量Theaccelerationof abodyequalstheforceexertedon itdividedbyitsmass.物体所受外力除以其质量等于加速度。
mass number
thetotalnumberofprotons andneutrons in anatom
原子量mass defect
thedifferencebetween the mass of anucleus(=centralpartof anatom)and the mass of theseparatepiecesthat make up thenucleus
(物理)质量亏损Mass, area, weight & volume in general
- A2
- A3
- A4
- A5
- area
- ballast
- dead weight
- density
- displacement
- heft
- legal
- letter
- non-dimensional
- specific gravity
- sq.
- square
- tare
- volume
- volumetric
- weight
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Physics: atoms, molecules & sub-atomic particles
areligiousceremonyin someChristianChurchesbasedonJesus' lastmealwith hisdisciples, ormusicwritten forpartsof thisceremony:
弥撒;弥撒曲to go to Mass参加弥撒
See also
Musical pieces
- arrangement
- ballade
- bolero
- bossa nova
- Britannia
- chorus
- fantasia
- hook
- melody
- multi-part
- nocturne
- octet
- opus
- passage
- reel
- signature tune
- solo
- song form
- streetscape
- string quartet
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Religious ceremonies & prayers
uk/mæs/us/mæs/to come together inlargenumbers:
集中,聚集Thousands oftroopshave massed along theborderinpreparationfor aninvasion.数千大军已经集结在边境上,准备入侵。
Meeting people
- ayup
- bump
- bump intosomeone
- crosssomeone'spath/cross paths withsomeoneidiom
- deal
- deal withsomeone
- farewell
- it's a dateidiom
- makeyourselfknownidiom
- meeting
- open house
- payyourrespectsidiom
- reconvene
- recross
- red carpet
- remember
- remembersomeonetosomeone
- rendezvous
- respect
- town meeting