uk/ˈmɑːst.hed/us/ˈmæst.hed/mastheadnoun[C](ON NEWSPAPER)
thetitleof anewspaperormagazinethat isprintedat thetopof thefrontpage
Aslan Alphan/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
alistof thenamesof the mostimportantpeopleinvolvedinproducingand writing for amagazineornewspaper:
(报纸或杂志)出版页,出版信息栏Hirth,listedon the masthead aspublisher,wroteseveralarticlesin eachissue.赫斯在出版信息栏内被列为出版人,他每期都亲自写几篇文章。
Newspapers & magazines: headlines & features
- advertorial
- advice column
- advice columnist
- agony column
- agony uncle
- comic strip
- cover story
- dateline
- double-page
- double-page spread
- editorial
- leader
- obituary
- op-ed
- personal column
- press cutting
- problem page
- pullout
- splash
- spread
mastheadnoun[C](ON WEBSITE)
thenameof aperson,company, ororganizationthat isdisplayedon thehomepageoftheirwebsite
(网站首页)出版网站的个人、公司或机构等信息栏Computer concepts
- 3-D printing
- adaptive learning
- additive manufacturing
- addy
- aeroplane mode
- backup
- capture
- computing
- configuration
- importation
- information age
- information security
- information superhighway
- infosec
- scan
- transcoding
- Trojan horse
- tuple
- Turing Machine
- Turing test
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Internet terminology
mastheadnoun[C](ON LETTERS/EMAILS)
thenameandinformationthat isprintedat thetopof an organization'sofficiallettersoremails
(机构官方信纸或邮件上列出公司信息的)刊头Letters, notes and cards
- aerogramme
- air letter
- billet-doux
- chain letter
- Christmas card
- correspondence
- get-well card
- greetings card
- handbill
- hate mail
- invitation
- invite
- junk mail
- poison-pen letter
- postcard
- PS
- round robin
- wire
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Internet terminology
mastheadnoun[C](ON SHIP)
thetoppartof a ship'smast
船只主桅杆的顶部Parts of ships & boats
- abaft
- bilge water
- boathook
- boiler room
- bowline
- bulkhead
- cleat
- cockpit
- couchette
- escape hatch
- keel
- mast
- paddle
- spar
- stem
- sun deck
- superstructure
- topsail
- waterline
- wheelhouse