coconut matting
UKuk/ˌkəʊ.kə.nʌt ˈmæt.ɪŋ/us/ˌkoʊ.kə.nʌt ˈmæt̬.ɪŋ/(UScoir matting)amaterial, often used as afloorcovering, made fromfibresfrom theoutsideof acoconut(= alargefruitlike anutwith athick, hard,brownshellcoveredinfibre):
椰衣地垫,椰子壳做的垫子Just inside thedoorwaythere wascoconutmatting.在刚进门的地方放着一个椰子壳做成的垫子。
She took thecoconutmattingfrom thefloorandhungit over thelineoutsidewhere shebeateveryspeckofdustfrom it.她从地板上拿起椰壳垫,挂在外面的绳子上,仔细地要把上面的每一粒灰尘都拍掉。

Chinnapong/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
See also
- Thecoconutmattinggotmuddyveryquicklyafter agameand was hard toclean.
- The mostpracticalideais to have aslightwellletinto thefloorinfrontof thedoorand tofillit withcoconutmatting.
- Hishairwas likecoconutmatting.
Carpets, rugs & other floor coverings
- bath mat
- carpet
- carpeted
- carpeting
- doormat
- fitted carpet
- fitter
- mat
- matting
- parquet
- Persian rug
- pile
- runner
- scatter rug
- throw rug
- underlay
- wall-to-wall
- welcome mat