punching bag
USuk/ˈpʌn.tʃɪŋ ˌbæɡ/us/ˈpʌn.tʃɪŋ ˌbæɡ/(UKpunchbag)abagfilledwithmaterialorair,hungfrom aframeorattachedto astandand used byboxersandothersfortrainingorexercise:
Theroomisequippedwithdumbbellsand aheavypunchingbag.

Monalyn Gracia/Corbis/VCG/GettyImages
apersonwho isviolentlyhitmanytimes:
Turning one'sspouseorgirlfriendinto apunchingbagdeservescompletecontemptfrom everyone.
apersonor thing who isseverelycriticizedorpunished, as a way for otherpeopletoexpressangryfeelings:
Governmentworkershave often been thepunchingbagofpoliticians,comedians, and thenewsmedia.
Heinsiststheindustryischangingafter adecadeof being everyone'sfavouritepunchingbag.
- Workouts withpunchingbags,especiallyheavybags,requireaslowbuildup and aren't fornovices.
- Thatpoorchildwas used as apunchingbag.
- Herefusestoallowhimself tobecomeapunchingbagfor hisopponents.
- Thecivilrightspositionhas been apoliticalpunchingbagforyears.
Fighting sports
- aikido
- all-in wrestling
- arm-wrestling
- bantamweight
- black belt
- feint
- foil
- full nelson
- grappler
- gumshield
- half nelson
- outfight
- prizefight
- prizefighter
- pugilist
- pugilistic
- punch-drunk
- punchbag
- southpaw
- wrestling
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Hitting and beating
Disapproving & criticizing
Chastising & rebuking