tocausesomeone who has done somethingwrongorcommittedacrimetosuffer, byhurtingthem,forcingthem topaymoney,sendingthem toprison, etc.:
惩罚Thoseresponsiblefor thesecrimesmust bebroughttocourtand punished.那些应对这些犯罪行为负责的人必须被送上法庭接受惩罚。
He punished theclassbygivingthemextrawork.他给这班学生多留了些作业作为对他们的惩罚。
Theoilcompanywasfoundguiltyon tencountsofpollution, and was punishedwitha $250 millionfine.这家石油公司被判犯有10项污染环境的罪状,被罚款2.5亿美元。
See also
to punish anyone whocommitsaparticularcrime:
惩处(犯罪行为)Drunkendrivingcan be punishedwithaprisonsentence.酒后驾车可被处以监禁。
- Evenminorinfringementsof thelawwill beseverelypunished.
- Instead ofsimplypunishing them, thesystemencouragesoffenderstomodifytheirbehaviour.
- He said that when he was aboy, hisfatherused to take astickto him to punish him.
- They were punished by being made tostandout in thecold.
- She was punished forsmokingonschoolpremises.
Punishing & punishments
- ankle bracelet
- ankle tag
- attach
- attachment
- bar
- be brought/called to accountidiom
- bring
- discipline
- flay
- flaysomeonealiveidiom
- get what's coming toyouidiom
- grounded
- hair shirt
- spare
- spare the rod and spoil the childidiom
- spot fine
- stringsomeoneup
- swing
- swing for itidiom
- tagging
punishverb[T](TREAT BADLY)
to use ortreatsomethingbadly,violently, or withoutcare:
粗暴对待,伤害He really punishes thathorseof his.他确实粗暴对待自己的马。
Using and misusing
- adopt
- adoption
- avail
- availyourselfofsomething
- be/go heavy onsomethingidiom
- exhaust
- go through
- gobblesomethingup
- make capital out ofsomethingidiom
- max
- max out
- spare
- spent
- swallow
- tap
- turn over
- turn tosomeone/something
- turn/usesomethingto good accountidiom
- unblock
- underuse