uk/ˈkɒd.lər/us/ˈkɑːd.lɚ/coddlernoun[C](FOR EGGS)
(alsoegg coddler)
acontainerforcookingeggsin that isplacedinwaterthat isnearlyboiling:
Stand the coddler up toitsneckin apanofboilingwaterandsimmerfor 7-8minutes.
Butter the inside of aneggcoddler.
- Aneggisplacedinto each coddler with somesaltandpepper.
- Use 1 or 2eggs(accordingto thesizeof theeggcoddler).
- Theeggcoddler should not betotallysubmergedinboilingwater.
- When theeggsarecookedto thedesiredfirmness, the coddler isliftedfrom thewater.
Kitchen utensils
- bain-marie
- bakeware
- baller
- beater
- bottle opener
- cocktail stick
- colander
- cookie cutter
- cookware
- corer
- palette knife
- parer
- paring knife
- pastry blender
- peeler
- spreader
- squeezer
- tin opener
- tine
- toasting fork
apersonwhoprotectssomeone too much ortreatsthem tookindly:
Thejudge,hardlya coddler ofcriminals,warnedCongressagainstimposingsuchharshsentences.
Protection and protectors
- adopt
- adoptable
- aegis
- anti-shark
- anti-skid
- chaperone
- custodian
- cybersecurity
- defence mechanism
- den mother
- doorkeeper
- elder care
- muzzle
- precaution
- preservationist
- ring-fence
- safe space
- safeguarding
- safekeeping
- safety net