verb[Toften passive]
uk/mɔːl/us/mɑːl/maulverb[T often passive](ANIMAL)
If ananimalmauls someone, itattacksthatpersonandinjuresthem withitsteethorclaws(=longsharpnails):
(动物用齿或爪子)袭击,伤害Asmallboywas mauled by the neighbour'sdog.一个小男孩被邻居的狗咬伤了。
Animal (non-human) behaviour
- accidental
- beg
- behave
- behaviour
- behavioural science
- behaviourist
- claw
- gambol
- groom
- housebroken
- migrate
- monogamous
- monogamy
- murmuration
- nocturnal
- non-migrant
- nuzzle
- ruminate
- scent
- skitter
maulverb[T often passive](CRITICIZE)
tocriticizesomething or someoneseverely:
抨击,严厉批评Bothfilmswere mauled by thecritics.两部电影都受到了评论家的抨击。
Disapproving & criticizing
- anathematize
- animadversion
- aspersion
- assail
- aw
- backbite
- criticism
- deprecate
- dim
- fault
- niggle
- nitpick
- opprobrious
- peanut gallery
- people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stonesidiom
- personalization
- personalize
- philippic
- sarky
- tear
agroupofplayersinrugbywho are all together around aplayerwith theballoff theground:
Hillscoredatryafterrippingtheballout of a maul.
If theoppositioncan gettheirhandsround theballin a maul orruck, it will be ahugegainto them.

Frank Herholdt/Stone/Getty Images /GettyImages
- Hespentthenightinhospitalafter beingcaughtby another player'sstudsat thebottomof a maul.
- If aplayerloitersat thesideof a maul, theplayerisoffside.
- If the maul isstationarybut theballis beingmovedback and out in the maul then therefereewillallowtimefor theballtoemerge.
- Englandhave a goodchancebecause they willmatchthestrengthofSouthAfricain the maul.
- bomb
- chargesomethingdown
- converted
- cooler
- drop kick
- field of play
- flanker
- hack
- heel
- lineout
- place-kick
- place-kicking
- post-match
- postgame
- premiership
- rugger
- test match
- unconverted
- wing back
- work rate