(alsocodesign)uk/ˌkəʊ.dɪˈzaɪn/us/ˌkoʊ.dɪˈzaɪn/todesignsomething together with one or more otherpeople:
He co-designed the newcityhallcomplex.
We co-designourtrainingworkshopswiththesalesnetwork.
- He has put hisexpertisetoworkco-designing the company’ssocialmediastrategy.
- Thespacewas co-designed by Mills andartistAmy Jones.
- Marketers need tocollaboratewithcustomersto codesign theproductsandservicestheywant.
Inventing, designing and innovation
- absorptive capacity
- architect
- artificer
- bionics
- blueprint
- design
- designer
- devise
- dreamsomethingup
- ergonomic
- modularization
- nanotechnology
- non-imitative
- operational research
- originator
- technology
- themed
- think outside the boxidiom
- thinksomethingup
- trailblaze
(alsocodesign)uk/ˌkəʊ.dɪˈzaɪn/us/ˌkoʊ.dɪˈzaɪn/theprocessof two or morepeopleworkingtogether todesignsomething:
Theprocessinvolvesco-research and co-designactivitieswith thedesignandclientteams.
Something has to be done tospeedup software-hardware codesign .
- There are manytraditionalbarrierstoeffectiveco-design.
- There are manyareasin which the co-designprinciplecanbringproductenhancements.
- We needtoolstoadvancethe co-design offuturecomputersystemsandsoftwareapplicationsthat are optimallyaligned.
Inventing, designing and innovation
- absorptive capacity
- architect
- artificer
- bionics
- blueprint
- design
- designer
- devise
- dreamsomethingup
- ergonomic
- modularization
- nanotechnology
- non-imitative
- operational research
- originator
- technology
- themed
- think outside the boxidiom
- thinksomethingup
- trailblaze