thewhiteliquidproducedbycows,goats, andsheepand used byhumansas adrinkor for makingbutter,cheese, etc.:
cow's/goat's milk牛/羊奶
a milkbottle奶瓶

Jose A. Bernat Bacete/Moment/GettyImages
thewhiteliquidproducedby women and otherfemalemammalsasfoodfortheiryoung:
(女性及雌性哺乳动物的)奶,乳汁Breast/Mother'smilk is thebestnourishmentfor ababy.母乳是婴儿最好的营养品。
theliquidmade from someplantsandtreesortheirnuts, etc.:
plant-basedalternativestodairysuch asalmondorhazelnutmilk
theliquidproducedby someplantsandtrees:
The milk of therubbertreeisknownaslatex.
It usuallytakessix to sevenyearsfrom thetimearubbertreeisplantedto when it canproducemilk on acommercialbasis.
- Do you take milk inyourtea?
- Don't use up all the milk, we need some forbreakfast.
- Add twocupfulsof milk to themixture.
- Don'tforgetto put the milk back in thefridge.
- Antibodies from the mother's milklinethe baby'sintestinesandpreventinfection.
Dairy products & eggs
- albumen
- beurre noisette
- brown butter
- butter
- butterfat
- crème fraîche
- curd
- dairy
- Devonshire cream
- double cream
- kefir
- labneh
- lacteal
- lactic
- light cream
- skyr
- soft-boiled
- sour cream
- soya milk
- sunny side upidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Animal physiology: bodily fluids & their production
Food - general words
Parts of plants
the milk of human kindness
uk/mɪlk/us/mɪlk/milkverb(GET MILK)
to get milk from ananimal:
挤…的奶;挤(奶)Milking acowbyhandis askilledprocess.手工挤牛奶是一项技术活。
Somegoatsseemto milk(=producemilk)betterthanothers.有些山羊似乎比其他羊更容易产奶。
Animal farming - general words
- animal husbandry
- aquaculture
- aquaponics
- bedding
- beekeeping
- dip
- draft
- drove
- grazing
- hand-rear
- hand-reared
- heeler
- herd
- pen
- shearing
- sheep shearing
- sheepdog
- shepherd
- stable
- subtherapeutic
to get as muchmoneyorinformationout of someone or something aspossible, often in anunfairordishonestway:
榨取,勒索[+ obj + adj]Thenewspapersmilked thestorydry.报纸拿这个故事做尽了文章。
Thedirectorsmilked thecompanyofseveral milliondollars.几个董事榨取了公司数百万英镑的钱财。
Removing and extracting
- ablate
- abstract
- bowdlerization
- bowdlerized
- clear the decksidiom
- drain
- extract
- gougesomethingout
- letsomeonedown
- over-extraction
- pick
- pluck
- scoop
- scratch
- slice
- takesomethingaway
- unboxing
- undrained
- wipesomethingoffsomething
- yank
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Advantage and disadvantage