uk/ˈpɜː.dʒɪŋ/us/ˈpɝː.dʒɪŋ/purgingnoun(REMOVING PEOPLE)
theactof gettingridofpeoplefrom anorganizationbecause you do notagreewith them :
(从一个组织中清除持不同政见者的)清洗行动,肃清He thenannounceda large-scale purgingofthefederalpolice.随后,他宣布对联邦警察采取大规模肃清行动。
Power wassmoothlytransferredfrom one set ofleadersto another withoutkillingsor purgings.权力顺利地从一批领导人手中交接到另一批手中,没有发生杀戮或清洗。
theactof takingnamesoff anofficiallist, sometimes in a way that is notlegal:
(以不合法手段)从官方名单中除名The purging of thevoters'rollappearsto havedisproportionatelyaffectedblackvoters.清除选民名单的做法似乎对黑人选民产生了不成比例的影响。
Removing and getting rid of things
- abandonment
- banish
- be scattered to the four windsidiom
- bin
- castsomeone/somethingaside/away/off
- dumping
- eradication
- erase
- erasure
- evacuate
- evacuation
- exorcism
- fling
- scrape
- shoo
- shrug
- shrugsomethingoff
- shuck
- shucksomethingoff
- sling
theactof gettingridof somethingunwanted,harmful, orevil:
(对无用、有害或邪恶事物的)祛除,清除Dejunkinginvolvesagradualpurging of all thestuffyou don't need.断舍离就是逐步清除所有你不需要的东西。
Hebelievesthere areareaswhen the word ofGodmustsimplybeappliedand purging ofevileffected.他认为在某些领域,必须引用上帝的话语对邪恶进行清除。
Booksoften gettossedback in thecarbootin thoselast-minutetrailhead purgings to makeyourpacklighter.为了让背包更轻,人们经常在开始徒步前的最后一刻选择把书籍扔回汽车行李箱。
Correcting and mending
- calibration
- clean(someone/something)up
- correction
- fiddle (around) withsomething
- fine-tune
- mess
- recondition
- reconstruct
- reconstruction
- rectification
- refine
- remedy
- revise
- revised
- set/put the record straightidiom
- smoothsomethingaway
- smoothen
- sort
- sortsomethingout
- tinker
purgingnoun(GETTING RID OF FOOD)
theactof gettingridoffoodfromyourbody, forexampleinordertostopyourselfgainingweight, either by making yourselfvomitor by usinglaxatives(=substancesthat make iteasierforwastefrom thebodyto come out):
(为清除体内食物所做的)催吐,催泻,其目的之一是不增加体重Binging or purging may bewaysofdealingwithfeelingsoftrauma.暴食或催泻可能是缓解创伤的办法
Parts of buildings: doors & parts of doors
- architrave
- back door
- bell push
- bi-fold
- cat flap
- doorstop
- doorway
- draught excluder
- entryway
- fire door
- knob
- knocker
- letterbox
- lintel
- revolving door
- screen door
- shoji
- stage door
- up-and-over
- weatherboarding