UKuk/ˈæb.seɪl/us/ˈæb.seɪl/(USrappel)to go down a verysteepslopebyholdingon to aropethat isfastenedto thetopof theslope:
(登山运动等中的)绕绳下降She abseileddowntherockface.她顺着绳索爬下岩坡。
I was a littlescaredwhen I first abseiled.
- None of thegrouphadeverabseiled before.
- You can abseil,kayak,surf, orcyclehere.
- All heneededto do was abseil a fewfeettosafety.
Mountaineering & rock climbing
- abseiling
- ascender
- base camp
- belay
- bivvy
- climbing wall
- coasteering
- crampon
- foothold
- footing
- ice axe
- ice pick
- karabiner
- mountain climber
- mountainboarding
- rappelling
- rock climbing
- sherpa
- soloing
- sport climbing
UKuk/ˈæb.seɪl/us/ˈæb.seɪl/(USrappel)theactof going down a verysteepslopebyholdingon to aropethat isfastenedto thetopof theslope:
He's doing asponsoredabseil down thechurchtower.
Takegreatcareover thechoiceofcliffforyourabseil.

Keith Levit/Design Pics/GettyImages
- Badges areawardedforcompletingabseils ofvaryinglengths.
- If an abseilerbecomesentangledandstuckduring an abseil then the onlyremedyis for theinstructortocuttheropeat thetop.
- Wespentthedaypreparingourabseilequipment.
Mountaineering & rock climbing
- abseiling
- ascender
- base camp
- belay
- bivvy
- climbing wall
- coasteering
- crampon
- foothold
- footing
- ice axe
- ice pick
- karabiner
- mountain climber
- mountainboarding
- rappelling
- rock climbing
- sherpa
- soloing
- sport climbing