tofollowsomeone or something, usually totrytocatchhim, her, or it:
追赶;追捕;追击Thecarwas pursued byhelicopters.这辆车遭到多架直升机追捕。
He waskilledby thedriverof astolencarwho was beinghotlypursued by thepolice.他被车撞死了,撞他的人开的是一辆偷来的车,当时正被警方全力追捕。
to chase someone or something
- chaseHe felt like a dog chasing its tail.
- give chaseHe saw two men breaking into a car and gave chase on foot when they fled.
- pursueHe was pursued down the corridor by a camera crew.
- run afterLeaping to his feet, he ran after the bus.
to follow someone or something
- followFollow me - this way!
- tag alongDo you mind if my little brother tags along?
- chaseHe was running and the dog was chasing him.
- pursueThe robber was pursued by several members of the public.
- tailThe car was tailed by police for several hours.
- shadowThe police think the robbers shadowed their victims for days before the crime.
- She said that she wastiredof being pursued bycrowdsofjournalists.
- Herandown thestreet,hotlypursued by twopoliceofficers.
- Thedisgracedministerwalkedswiftlyfrom thecarto hishousepursued by awholeposseofreporters.
- He'd been pursuing her formonthsand then shefinallyagreedto go out with him.
- I don'tthinkwe should pursue thismatteranyfurther.
Hunting & fishing
- angler
- angling
- anti-hunt
- anti-hunter
- anti-hunting
- barb
- fisherman
- fishhook
- fishing line
- fishing rod
- fly fishing
- fox hunt
- outfish
- overfishing
- poach
- poaching
- pointer
- predation
- quarry
- spear
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
pursueverb[T](TRY TO GET)
totryvery hard topersuadesomeone toacceptajob:
力劝(某人)接受聘用Thecompanyhas been pursuing Holton for sometime, but sofarhe hasrejectedalltheiroffers.该公司一直想聘用霍尔登,但至今为止他拒绝了他们提供的所有条件。
totrytodiscoverinformationabout asubject:
追问,追查,追究We will not be pursuing thismatteranyfurther.这件事我们将不再追究。
Thepolicearecurrentlypursuing severallinesofinquiryinto thecase.目前警方采用不同的方式来调查该案件。
I don'tthinkthisideaisworthpursuing anyfurther.我认为这个主意不值得再考虑下去了。
Thepresshas pursued thisstoryrelentlessly.新闻界持续追踪报道这个故事。
totryvery hard topersuadesomeone to have arelationshipwith you:
追求(某人)He's been pursuing her formonthsandyetshe's soclearlynotinterested.他已经追求她好几个月了,不过很显然她不感兴趣。
Applying for a job
- acquihire
- advertisement
- anoint
- anointed
- applicant
- assign
- elect
- get in
- go intosomething
- golden hello
- goonda
- handpicked
- nomination
- prospect
- resume
- retain
- rope
- self-constituted
- serving
- testimonial
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Analysing and evaluating
Relationships: finding a partner
pursueverb[T](TRY TO DO)
If you pursue aplan,activity, orsituation, youtryto do it orachieveit, usually over alongperiodoftime:
追求,从事,实行Hedecidedto pursue acareerintelevision.他决心从事电视广播业。
We need todecidesoonwhatmarketingstrategywe should pursue for these newproducts.我们必须尽快决定对这些新产品采取什么样的营销策略。
Michael Evans isleavingthecompanyto pursue his ownbusinessinterests.迈克尔•埃文斯准备离开这家公司,去自己创业。
She isruthlessin pursuing hergoals.她为了达到目的不择手段。
- Thecompanyisaggressivelypursuing newbusinessopportunities.
- Thegovernmentis pursuing apolicyofcontainment.
- He used toplaywith agroupbut now he's pursuing asolocareer.
- We should pursue everyavenuein thesearchfor ananswerto thisproblem.
- Thegovernmentpursued everydiplomaticchanneltofreethehostages.
Trying and making an effort
- A game
- all-out
- assault
- attempt
- attempted
- bid
- commitment
- crack
- go down swinging/fightingidiom
- go for itidiom
- go forsomeone
- go out ofyourwayidiom
- go the extra mileidiom
- nose
- seek
- square the circleidiom
- step on the gasidiom
- stick atsomething
- stick tosomething
- strain after/for effectidiom