to give someone something that they need:
Allmealsare provided at noadditionalcost.膳食均免费提供。
Theauthorprovides nodocumentaryreferencestosupportherassertions.作者没有提供参考文献来支持她自己的论断。
We haveconcernsabout whether thegovernmentwill beableto provideviablesocialservicesforpoorerfamilies/providepoorerfamilieswithviablesocialservices.我们对政府是否有能力为较贫困家庭提供可行的社会服务十分担心。
Putting morepoliceonpatroldoesn't provide arealsolutionto theproblemofincreasingviolence.派更多警力巡逻并不能真正解决暴力事件不断增长这一问题。
to give something to someone
- giveGive me that dirty plate.
- offerYour doctor should be able to offer advice.
- provideThis booklet provides useful information about local services.
- supplyThe lake supplies the whole town with water.
- donateFour hundred dollars has been donated to the school book fund.
to accommodate someone
- accommodateThere aren’t enough rooms to accommodate all the students.
- give accommodation toThe university gives free accommodation to nursing students.
- provide accommodation toWe only provide accommodation to first-year students.
- lodgeStudents will be lodged with host families.
- houseThe base can house up to 2,000 soldiers.
- put someone upI can put you up for a couple of nights.
- Bonuspaymentsprovide anincentivetoworkharder.
- Do youthinkthestateshould providefreenurseryeducation?
- Ahealthydietshould provide allyouressentialnutrients.
- Theyopenedashelterto providetemporaryhousingfor the city'shomeless.
- He wasableto provide thepolicewith somevaluableinformation.
Giving, providing and supplying
- accommodate
- accord
- administer
- administration
- assignment
- award
- hand off
- handsomethingin
- handsomethingout
- handsomethingover
- handsomethinground
- invest
- lay
- passing
- rebid
- regift
- reprovision
- resource
- resupply
- spare
[+ that]formal
(of alawordecision) to say that something musthappenifparticularconditionsexist:
(法律或裁决)规定Section 17 providesthatalldecisionsmust becirculatedin writing.第17条规定,所有的决定都必须以书面形式发放通知。
Court cases, orders & decisions
- actionable
- administer
- admissibility
- admissible
- affidavit
- conveyancing
- exhibit
- extinguishment
- extrajudicial
- fatal accident inquiry
- finding
- gagging order
- inquest
- moot
- plead
- power of attorney
- precedent
- pretrial
- probate
- reconvict
Phrasal verbs
provide againstsomething
provide forsomeone
provide forsomething