uk/prəˈvɒk.ə.tɪəˈvɑː.kə.t̬ɪ CAUSE THOUGHT)
in a way thatcausesthoughtaboutinterestingsubjects:
引发思考地,启发性地Thecomicsfeaturedstoriesthatdealtprovocatively with theenvironment,racism, andsex.漫画的故事涉及环境、种族主义和性,引人深思。
A woman was provocativelycastin theleadrole.为了引发思考,专门挑选了一名女性做主角。
- In hisfilmshe usessilencebrilliantlyand provocatively.
- We like toleavethequestionof whether there isextraterrestriallifeprovocativelyopen.
Exciting and interesting
- absorbing
- action-packed
- adventurous
- alley
- arresting
- bracing
- coruscating
- excitingly
- exhilarating
- fancifully
- fascinating
- fast lane
- rip-roaring
- riveting
- romantic
- romantically
- rousing
- Roy of the Rovers stuff
- sensationally
- spectacularly
provocativelyadverb(TO CAUSE ANGER)
in a way thatcausesanangryreaction, usuallyintentionally:
(通常指故意地)使人生气地,挑衅地,煽动地He said thatpeoplewould beallowedtoprotestpeacefully, but not provocatively.他说,人们将被允许和平抗议,但不能挑衅。
Themissilesareplacedprovocativelycloseto theborder.这些导弹被挑衅地放置在边境附近。
- Since hiselectionhe hascontinuouslyand attimesprovocativelypressedhisagenda.
- Hisreportwas provocativelyentitled"A Failed Experiment".
- accursed
- aggravating
- annoying
- annoyingly
- ball-ache
- damnable
- damnably
- exasperating
- exasperatingly
- gadfly
- irritating
- irritatingly
- limit
- maddening
- mither
- sick-making
- sickening
- sickeningly
- spiteful
- stupid
provocativelyadverb(TO CAUSE DESIRE)
in a way that isintendedtocausesexualdesire:
He said that she wasdressedprovocatively.
- They weredancingprovocatively topopmusic, totheirparents'dismay.
- Inmagazines,teenidolsposeprovocatively inrevealingoutfits.
- Theoutfitwas provocativelytight.