uk/prəˈvəʊk/us/prəˈvoʊk/provokeverb[T](CAUSE REACTION)
激起,引起(尤指负面反应)Theprospectofincreasedpriceshas already provoked anoutcry.物价上涨的预测已经引发了强烈抗议。
Testresultsprovokedworriesthat thereactorcouldoverheat.检测结果引发了对反应堆可能过热的担忧。
- Hermanifestlackofinterestin theprojecthas provokedseverecriticism.
- Thereleasefromprisonof two of theterroristshas provoked apublicoutcry.
- Thesemurdershave provokedoutrageacrossthecountry.
- We have nointentionoflaunchingapre-emptivestrike, but we willretaliateif provoked.
- Theprimeminister'sspeechprovoked anangryresponsefrom theshadowcabinet.
Causing things to happen
- -induced
- activate
- activation
- actuation
- agent
- attribute
- attributesomethingtosomeone
- implementation
- in
- inaugurate
- inauguration
- pioneer
- realization
- realize
- reattribute
- reawaken
- reimpose
- render
- seed
- spark
provokeverb[T](MAKE ANGRY)
to make ortryto make apersonor ananimalangry:
激怒,挑衅It was a vicious-lookingdogand I didn'twantto provoke it.那只狗看起来很凶,我可不想招惹它。
He wasclearlytryingto get at me but Irefusedto be provoked.他分明想攻击我,但我就是不生气。
I was provokedintotheargument.我被激怒,于是吵了起来。
Causing feelings of anger and displeasure
- aggravate
- aggrieve
- alienate
- anger
- annoy
- bend
- get upsomeone'snoseidiom
- givesomeonethe shitsidiom
- go too faridiom
- goat
- grate
- joke
- nark
- nose
- rubsomeoneup the wrong wayidiom
- ruffle
- rufflesomeone'sfeathersidiom
- setsomeone'steeth on edgeidiom
- step/tread onsomeone'stoesidiom
- tit