uk/rʌʃ/us/rʌʃ/rushverb(GO/DO QUICKLY)
B2[IorT,usually+ adv/prep]
to (causeto) go or do something veryquickly:
(使)急速行进;(使)赶紧;(使)仓促行事;(使)急速做I've been rushing(about/around)alldaytryingto get everything done.我忙了整整一天,想把所有的事情都做完。
I rushed up thestairs/to theoffice/tofindaphone.我飞奔上楼梯/匆匆赶到办公室/赶忙去找电话。
When sheturneditupsidedown thewaterrushed out.她把它底朝上翻转过来时,水一下子倾泻出来。
[+ to infinitive]We shouldn't rushtoblamethem.我们不应该不问青红皂白就责备他们。
You can't rush ajoblike this.你不应该这样草草赶工。
Theemergencylegislationwas rushedthroughParliament in amorning.应急法案在一个上午就被议会快速通过了。
Don't rush me!别催我!
TheUnitedNationshas rushedmedicalaidandfoodto thefaminezone.联合国向发生饥荒的地区紧急提供了医疗和食品援助。
He rushed thechildrenoff toschoolso they wouldn't be late.他催赶着孩子们快点出门去学校,以免迟到。
to move fast
- speedHe ran back to his car and sped off.
- raceShe raced over and hugged me.
- flyShe flew across the room just in time to stop the baby falling off the chair.
- beltUKTraffic was belting along the motorway.
- tearA fire truck came tearing down the road.
- streakBullets streaked across the sky.
to run
- runShe saw him running down the street.
- sprintI had to sprint to catch the bus.
- jog"What do you do to keep fit?" "I jog and go swimming."
- raceHe raced up the stairs to answer the phone.
- rushEveryone rushed to the door when the alarm went off.
- dashHe dashed out the door after the dog.
- Don't rush - take aslongas you like.
- I was rushing along with myheaddown when Icannonedinto anoldladywalkingthe other way.
- He's soimpetuous- why can't hethinkthings over before he rushes into them?
- At the givensignal, thegrouprushedforwardto thebarrier.
- Suddenly thedoorburstopenandpoliceofficerscarryinggunsrushed in.
Hurrying and doing things quickly
- accelerate
- acceleration
- against the clockidiom
- against time/the clockidiom
- alacrity
- bash
- dash
- get a wiggle onidiom
- grab-and-go
- grease
- hacky
- haste
- precipitately
- prompt
- promptly
- promptness
- quickie
- rattlesomethingoff
- stroke
- tear
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Moving quickly
If agroupofpeoplerush anenemyor theplacewhere anenemyis, theyattacksuddenlyand all together:
一起向…发起突袭;猛攻;向…猛冲We rushed thepalacegatesandkilledtheguards.我们一起冲向宫殿大门,杀死了守卫。
Attacking & invading
- aggressor
- ambush
- beleaguer
- beleaguered
- besiege
- blitz
- blitzkrieg
- false flag
- foray
- going-over
- hard power
- hit and run
- incursion
- kamikaze
- post-conquest
- privateer
- raid
- reconquer
- reconquest
- swoop
In Americanfootball, to rush is tocarrytheballforwardacrosstheplaceon thefieldwhereplaybegins. Also, amemberof theoppositeteamrushes when theyforcetheirway to the back of thefieldquicklytocatchtheplayercarryingtheball.
(美式橄榄球中)跑动带球American football
- attempt
- blitz
- blocker
- blocking
- carry
- carry the ballidiom
- drop
- football
- fullback
- huddle
- linebacker
- nonconference
- offence
- outgain
- outkick
- place-kick
- scrimmage
- split end
- Super Bowl
- touchdown
Phrasal verbs
rush intosomething
rushsomeoneinto (doing)something
asituationin which you have tohurryormovesomewherequickly:
匆忙,赶紧;冲,奔Slow down! What's the rush?慢点!那么快干什么?
Why is it always such a rush to getreadyin themornings?为什么早晨老是得这么手忙脚乱一通才能准备好?
Everyoneseemedto bein arush.每个人似乎都是急急忙忙的。
He was in a rush to gethome.他急忙赶回家。
They werein norush tosellthehouse.他们并不急于卖出那个房子。
atimewhen a lot of things arehappeningor a lot ofpeoplearetryingto do or get something:
忙乱,忙碌;争做;争抢There's always a rush to get thebestseats.人们总是抢着去占最好的位子。
Itryto do myshoppingbefore theChristmasrush.我尽量在圣诞节购物潮来临之前把东西买好。
There's been a rushfor(=suddenpopulardemandfor)tickets.人们蜂拥而至抢购门票。
急速流动(或行进);猛冲There was a rushofairas sheopenedthedoor.她一打开门,一阵风忽地吹了进来。
They made a rush at him to get hisgun.他们猛地扑向他去抢他的枪。
asuddenmovementofpeopleto acertainarea, usually because of someeconomicadvantage:
(通常因经济利益驱动而发生的)蜂拥前往,蜂拥的人潮the Californiagoldrush加利福尼亚淘金潮
in Americanfootball, anattempttorunforwardscarryingtheball, or anattempttoquicklyreachandstopaplayerfrom theopposingteamwho iscarryingtheball
(美式橄榄球中的)跑动带球- In theheadlongrush tobuyhouses, manypeoplegot intodebt.
- I always do myshoppingearly tobeatthe rush.
- Somehow, in the rush to get out of thebuilding, I gotseparatedfrom mymother.
- I'm in a rush tofinishthecleaningbefore theguestsarrive.
- There was amadrush to get to thefrontof thequeue.
Hurrying and doing things quickly
- accelerate
- acceleration
- against the clockidiom
- against time/the clockidiom
- alacrity
- bash
- dash
- get a wiggle onidiom
- grab-and-go
- grease
- hacky
- haste
- precipitately
- prompt
- promptly
- promptness
- quickie
- rattlesomethingoff
- stroke
- tear
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
People who live or settle somewhere
American football
(突然的)一阵强烈感情;(身体的)一阵感觉Thememoryof who he was came back to him with a rush.他忽地一下子想起了自己是谁。
I had my firstcigarettefor ayearandfeltasuddenrush (ofdizziness).这是我一年以来第一次抽烟,直感到一阵(晕乎乎的)腾云驾雾的感觉向我袭来。
Strong feelings
- afire
- all-consuming
- anguish
- anguished
- ardent
- ferociously
- fierce
- fierceness
- fit to burstidiom
- fulminating
- passions run highidiom
- pungently
- rabidly
- reinforced
- rhapsodic
- searing
- tempestuous
- tingle
- torrid
- virulent
[Cusually plural]
aplantlikegrassthatgrowsin or nearwaterand whoselong,thin,hollowstemscan bedriedand made intofloorcoverings,containers, etc.:
灯心草a rushmat灯心草垫子

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Water & marsh plants, bushes & trees
- algae
- Andromeda
- blue-green algae
- bulrush
- dasima
- kelp
- kombu
- laver
- lotus
- mangrove
- plankton
- pond life
- pond scum
- reed
- reedy
- rice
- sedge
- spirogyra
- spirulina
- water lily