thestateofbelongingto anorganization:
会员资格,会员身份,会籍You have toapplyformembershipofthesportsclub.这家体育俱乐部的会员资格必须经过申请才能取得。
a membershipfee/card会员费/卡
Annualmembership(= theamountyou have topaytojoinaparticularorganizationfor oneyear)is £25.每年会员费为25英镑。
C1[C,+ sing/pl verb]
all thepeoplewhobelongto anorganization:
全体会员Our membership is/aredividedon theissue.在这一问题上,我们全体会员意见不一。
- We're going to give upoursportsclubmembership after thisyear.
- Theyrefusedtoadmither, not least because she hadn't got her membershipcardwith her.
- Theyarguethat the membership of the Council does notreflecttheracialmake-upof thecity.
- EveryyearIrenewmy membership of thesportsclub.
- The membershipfeesat thegolfclubareprettysteep.
Organizations, Societies & clubs
- Assn
- Assoc.
- association
- cellular
- co-op
- collective
- collegium
- confederacy
- confederation
- consortium
- cooperative
- foundation
- guild
- institute
- mission
- outfit
- rump
- substation
- syndicate
- youth club
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Supporters, members & defenders