uk/ˈmeɪ.sə/us/ˈmeɪ.sə/amountainwith alarge,flattopandsteepsides, of thetypefoundin thewesternandsouthwesternUnitedStates:
The mesarisesabruptlyfrom thewesterndesertplains.

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- Theybeganthedriveup thecurvingroadthatrisesfrom thevalleyfloorto thenorthernedgeof the mesa.
- Thetownis on adesertmesa 70milesnorthofPhoenix.
- The mesa, at 2,500feetabovesealevel,loomedforebodingly.
- Sitting on a flat-top mesa withsteepslopesanddeepravinesare 242windturbines.
Geography: hills & mountains
- acclivity
- craggy
- escarpment
- esker
- highlands
- landform
- Marilyn
- mid-ocean ridge
- motte
- Mount Kilimanjaro
- pinnacle
- precipitous
- scarp
- slope
- spur
- steep
- the Adirondack Mountains
- the Alaska Range
- the Alps
- the Andes