proxy voter
uk/ˈprɒ ˌvəʊ.tər/us/ˈprɑː ˌvoʊ.t̬ɚ/someone who does notvotethemselves buttellsanotherpersonhow theywanttovote, and thatpersonthenvotesfor them:
受代理选民,委托别人投票者That would make him one of thehandfulofoverseas,postalandproxyvoterswhobrieflycontrolthebalanceofpowerin the world'srichestnation.这将使他成为少数短暂控制世界上最富有国家权力平衡的海外、邮政和代理选民之一。
someone whovotesin theplaceof anotherpersonaccordingto what theywant:
代理选民,投票代理,代理他人投票者Those who cannot get to apollingstationcanchooseaproxyvoter.无法前往投票站的人可以委派代理选民。
Theyarguedthat theAGMinvitationhadincorrectlystatedthatproxyvotersneededwrittenpermissionfromabsentshareholderstovote.他们辩称,年度股东大会邀请函错误地规定代理选民需要缺席股东的书面许可才能投票。
postal voter
absentee voter
- About 99% of theproxyvotersvotedinfavourof thetakeover.
- We have aproxyvoterfacilityforvoterswithdisabilitieswho arepersonallyunableto make thejourneyto apollingplace.
- Can't shesendaproxyvoterfor her?
- I'd behappyto beyourproxyvoterat themeetingif you can'tattend.
- absentee
- absentee ballot
- absentee vote
- absentee voter
- absentee voting
- entrance poll
- exit poll
- first-past-the-post
- flip
- franchise
- primary
- proportional representation
- proxy
- proxy vote
- proxy voting
- voting
- voting booth
- voting machine
- voting slip
- whistle-stop