abbreviationforprostatespecificantigen: achemicalsubstanceproducedin thebodythat can bemeasuredtoseeif apersoncould havecancerof theprostate(= anorgannear thepenisthatproducesaliquidthatmixeswith andcarriessperm):
When something isamisswith theprostate, PSAleaksinto theblood.
Rising PSAlevelsmaysignalprostatecancer.
PSAtestingiscontroversialas it is not veryreliable.
- My PSA went from about 2.6 to 4.1 in the lastyear.
- PSAscoresof four orhighershould befollowedup by abiopsy.
- Researchshowsthat seven out of 10 men with a high PSAtestwill not havecancer.
Substances & structures in the body
- abductor
- accessorius
- adductor
- adenoid
- agonist
- gracilis
- grey matter
- groove
- gyrus
- hallucis
- oxytocin
- papilla
- papillary
- parietal
- pecten
- vesical
- vesicle
- vestibular
- vestibule
- visceral muscle
abbreviationforpublicserviceannouncement: anannouncementmade on TV, theradio, or theinternetinorderto give thepublicanimportantmessage, forexampleabout ahealthissue:
Often, these PSAcampaignshaveslogans, forexample: Drive Alive, Buckle Up.
The PSA wasunveileda little over amonthago, and it already has more than two millionviewsonYouTube.
- Manyradiostationsseethemselves as having asocialresponsibilitytobroadcastinterviews,featurestories, and PSAsdesignedtopromotelocalcharitableventures.
- Thecouncilhasdevelopeda new 30 second PSAentitled, "Quiz".
Information and messages
- advertisement
- aide-mémoire
- ammunition
- basics
- dope
- fascia
- info
- infodemic
- infodump
- infographic
- information
- memorandum
- poop
- radiogram
- readout
- relabel
- repost
- shingle
- the bare bones
- the real deal