puffed up
uk/ˌpʌft ˈʌp/us/ˌpʌft ˈʌp/toopleasedorsatisfiedabout something that you haveachieved:
膨胀,傲慢,自负I was sopuffedupwithpridethat IthoughtI could do it my way and make up myrules.我自以为是,以为可以按照自己的方式去做,制定自己的规则。
He has apuffedupsenseof his ownimportance.他对自己的重要性非常自负。
- He is allpuffedup because he haslearneda new word.
- Jack Deeplayedanambitious,puffedup second-rankingministerwith hiseyeson thetoptable.
- If she comes back with apuffedupegothere will beproblems.
Showing arrogance and conceit
- (as) proud as Luciferidiom
- airs and gracesidiom
- arrogant
- arrogantly
- as ifyouowned the placeidiom
- dog
- egocentric
- egocentrically
- egoistic
- egomaniacal
- overweening
- overweeningly
- patronize
- patronizing
- pomposity
- talk down tosomeone
- think the (whole) world revolves aroundyouidiom
- throwyourweight aroundidiom
- tin god
- toffee-nosed