chemistryspecializeduk/ˈmɪl.ɪˌməʊ.lər/us/ˈmɪl.əˌmoʊ.lɚ/measuredin, orrelatingto,millimoles(= onethousandthof amole):
毫摩尔的Millimolarconcentrationsoflithiumionareneededto have thisaction.发生这样的行为需要毫摩尔级的锂离子浓度。
Blood andtissuelevelsofvitaminC willremainhigh, with millimolarlevelscloseto those ofbloodsugar.血液和组织中的维生素C水平将维持较高,与血液中糖分水平的差别在毫摩尔级。
- Millimolarincreasesin extracellular K+concentrationpowerfullyenhanceepileptiformactivityin the hippocampus.
- Hydrogen isobservedat up to millimolarconcentrationsinfluidsfromfocusedhydrothermalventingsitesat mid-oceanridges.
Miscellaneous units of measurement
- acre
- acreage
- caloric
- curie
- dioptre
- farad
- fathom
- firkin
- flashpoint
- hectare
- Hz
- MHz
- millibar
- molar
- newton
- refractive index
- Scoville scale
- sievert
- torr
- watt
chemistryspecializeduk/ˈmɪl.ɪˌməʊ.lər/us/ˈmɪl.əˌmoʊ.lɚ/(abbreviationmM)aunitofmeasurementof theamountof asubstancein aliquid:
(浓度)毫摩尔A millimolar is thedecimalfractionof amolar, which is thecommonnon-SIunitofmolarconcentration.毫摩尔是摩尔的十进制分数,一个常用的非国际标准摩尔浓度单位。
Theinternalpotassiuminanimalcellsis of theorderof a hundred and fifty millimolar.动物细胞内的钾离子浓度为一百五十毫摩尔左右。
- Ten millimolar AG wassupplementedto thematurationmedium.
- Try toexpressfinalconcentrationsinmolar/millimolar/micromolarunitswherepossible.
- One millimolar extracellular Ca 2+ issufficientandnecessaryforeggactivation.
Miscellaneous units of measurement
- acre
- acreage
- caloric
- curie
- dioptre
- farad
- fathom
- firkin
- flashpoint
- hectare
- Hz
- MHz
- millibar
- molar
- newton
- refractive index
- Scoville scale
- sievert
- torr
- watt