thepartof apersonthat makes itpossiblefor him or her tothink,feelemotions, andunderstandthings:
头脑;大脑Her mind wasfullof what hadhappenedthenightbefore, and she just wasn'tconcentrating.她头脑里满是前一天晚上所发生的事情,根本无法集中精神。
OfcourseI'mtellingthetruth- you have such asuspiciousmind!我当然是在说实话——你太疑神疑鬼了!
I just said the first thing thatcame intomy mind.我只是想到什么就说什么了。
I'm notquiteclearin my mind about what I'm doing.我不太清楚自己在做什么。
a veryintelligentperson:
聪明人,有才智的人She was one of the mostbrilliantminds of the lastcentury.她是上世纪才智最为出众的人物之一。
all in the/yourmind
If aproblemis all in the mind, it does notexistand is onlyimagined:
全是心理作用的;只是凭空想象的Hisdoctortriedtoconvincehim that he wasn't reallyilland that it was all in his mind.医生努力想让他相信他其实没有生病,只是心理作用罢了。
bear/keepsomethingin mind
torememberapieceofinformationwhen you are making adecisionorthinkingabout amatter:
记住Bearing in mind howyoungshe is, Ithoughtshe did really well.别忘了她年龄那么小,我认为她做得很棒。
Ofcourse,repairworkisexpensiveand you have tokeepthat in mind.当然,维修费很昂贵,你必须记住这一点。
to remember something
- rememberDo you remember when her birthday is?
- recallI don't recall arranging a time to meet.
- recollectI didn't recollect having seen him.
- remindEvery time we meet he reminds me about the money he lent me.
- come back toI forgot his name but it's just come back to me.
- reminisceWe were just reminiscing about our school days.
go oversomethinginyourmind(alsoturnsomethingover inyourmind)
tothinkrepeatedlyabout aneventthat hashappened:
反复思考Shekeptgoing over theaccidentagain and again in her mind,wishingthat she couldsomehowhavepreventedit.她不断地想起那起事故,希望当时要是能做些什么来避免就好了。
- He's made up his mind, and nothing you can say willchangehisopinionon theissue.
- Iknowshe's goneforever, but I just can't put her out of my mind.
- Her wordskeptrunningthrough my mind.
- If youchangeyourmind about comingtonight, just give me acall.
- Theeventsof lastyearare stillfreshin people's minds .
Mind and personality
- allism
- allistic
- alter ego
- ambivert
- Asperger's syndrome
- human nature
- id
- identify
- identity
- in the person ofsomeoneidiom
- jib
- noetic
- noggin
- non-identity
- noodle
- on the spectrumidiom
- psychoanalysis
- subconscious
- vantage point
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Intelligent people
True, real, false, and unreal
Remembering, reminding and reminders
Thinking and contemplating
See also
like asteeltrap
We use the verb mind to mean ‘take care or be careful of or about something’, or ‘pay attention to something’. In this meaning, we usually use it in the imperative:…Mindas a verb
We use the verb mind to mean ‘take care or be careful of or about something’, or ‘pay attention to something’. In this meaning, we usually use it in the imperative:…Mindas a noun
The noun mind refers to the part of a person that enables them to think, feel emotions and be aware of things:…Mind: typical errors
We don’t use to-infinitive after would you mind or do you mind:…Idioms
be bored, drunk, etc. out ofyourmind
be of sound/unsound mind
be of the same mind
bring/callsomethingto mind
getyourmind around sth
getsomethingout ofyourmind
have a mind of its own
have half a mind/a good mind todo something
have something in mind
inyourmind's eye
a load/weight offyourmind
make upyourmind
yourmind is a blank/goes blank
yourmind is onsomething
mind over matter
out ofyourmind
putsomeonein mind ofsomething
putsomethingout ofyourmind
set/putsomeone'smind at rest/ease
set/putyourmind tosomething
someone'sstate/frame of mind
takesomeone'smind offsomething
to my mind
uk/maɪnd/us/maɪnd/mindverb(BE ANNOYED)
(used inquestionsandnegatives) to beannoyedorworriedby something:
(用于疑问句和否定句)介意,反对Do youthinkhe'd mind if Iborrowedhisbook?你认为他会介意我借他的书吗?
[+ -ing verb]I don't mind havingadogin thehousesolongas it'sclean.我不反对房子里有只狗,只要它干净就行了。
informalI wouldn't mind(= I would like)something toeat, if that's OK.其实我不介意吃点东西。
Would you mindturning(=pleaseturn)yourradiodown a littleplease?请你将收音机的声音调小一些好吗?
Do you mindifI(= may I)put the TV on?你介意我打开电视吗?
[+ obj + -ing verb]Do you mind me smoking?我抽烟你介意吗?
[+ question word]I don't mindwhat youwearsolongas it's not thatawfulpinkshirt.我不介意你穿什么,只要不是那件难看的粉红色衬衫就好。
I'dratherstayintonight, if you don't mind.如果你不反对,我宁愿今晚呆在家中。
mainlyUK"Would you liketeaorcoffee?" "I don't mind - either."“你喝茶还是咖啡?”“随便──都可以。”
do you mind?
said to someone when youfeelannoyedwith thatpersonfor what they have just done or said:
(对某人的言行表示恼火)你怎么回事?你别这样好不好?Do you mind? That's myseatyou'resittingon!你怎么回事?你坐了我的座位!
- Would you mindfillingin aquestionnaireabout what youwatchontelevision?
- Do you mind if I have the lastchocolate?
- Do you mind if Iaskyou apersonalquestion?
- "Do you mind if Ismoke?" "Well,actually, I'dratheryou didn't."
- I don't mind whichcolourwe have - youdecide.
Not liking
- abhor
- abide
- abominate
- anti-American
- anti-British
- civil
- cup
- cut
- deplore
- despise
- detest
- disdain
- disdainful
- non-fan
- not besomeone'scup of teaidiom
- not go much onsomethingidiom
- not have a civil word to say aboutsomeoneidiom
- not know whatsomeonesees insomeone/somethingidiom
- stand
- thing
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Expressions of anger
mindverb(BE CAREFUL)
to becarefulof, or giveattentionto something:
小心,当心;注意[+ (that)]Mind thatbox- thebottomisn't verystrong.当心那只盒子——盒底不是很牢固。
Mind(that)you don'tbangyourheadon theshelfwhen youstandup.当心站起来时头别撞到架子上。
Mind(= makecertainthat)you take enoughmoneywith you.确保一定要带上足够的钱。
old-fashionedMindyourlanguage(= don't useswearwords),younglady!注意你的措辞,小姐!
mind (out)!mainlyUK
used totellsomeone tomoveor becareful, or towarnsomeone ofdanger:
当心!Mind out! We're coming through with thestretcher.当心!我们抬着担架过来了。
"Hey, mind!" he said when shetrodon hisfoot.当她踩到他的脚时,他说:“嘿,当心!”
Mind outforfallingrockson thispartof thetrail.走这段小路时要当心落石。
mind how you gomainlyUKinformal
said when you saygoodbyeto someone,meaning"takecare"
﹝道别用语﹞您慢走,您走好- Mind you don'tupsether.
- Mind they don't get in through the backdoor.
- Mind you alwayslockupcarefully.
- Mind thedogs- they arequitewild.
- Mind out! Younearlydroveover myflowerbed.
Paying attention and being careful
- attention span
- attentiveness
- be good, and if you can't be good, be carefulidiom
- be on (your) guardidiom
- cared-for
- egg
- guard
- handle/treatsomeonewith kid glovesidiom
- hang
- hang on/uponsomething
- have a careidiom
- religion
- revolve
- revolve aroundsomeone/something
- safety
- safety firstidiom
- see pastsomething
- sit
- the/a glare ofsomethingidiom
- zero
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Welcoming, greeting & greetings
mindverb(TAKE CARE OF)
to takecareof someone or something:
照料,照看;看管Sheaskedme if I'd mind thechildrenfor anhourwhile she wentshopping.她问我她去买东西时我能否照看孩子们一个小时。
Could you mind mybagfor amomentwhile I go to thetoilet?我去洗手间时你能照看一下我的包吗?
to take care of someone or something
- care forShe had to give up her job to care for her elderly mother.
- take care ofI just want to make enough money to take care of my family.
- look afterMy aunt looked after me after my parents died.
- nurseHe nursed me back to health.
- tendHe lived a quiet life, tending his garden and his hives.
Medical treatment: treating & caring for people
- aggressively
- bed blocker
- bed-blocking
- birth tourism
- bring
- clinic
- logroll
- logrolling
- look aftersomeone/something
- medical tourism
- minister
- nurse
- patch
- prep
- rehospitalize
- respite care
- self-care
- setsomethingup
- soother
- tend
tolistento andobeysomeone:
Thisdogwon't mind.这只狗不听话。
Obeying & breaking the law
- abide
- abide bysomething
- adhere
- adhere tosomething
- bad actor
- buck
- commission
- in line withsomethingidiom
- infringe
- infringement
- non-compliance
- non-compliant
- noncomplying
- nondelinquent
- observance
- offend
- on the right/wrong side of the lawidiom
- pervert
- self-incrimination
- stick
We use the verb mind to mean ‘take care or be careful of or about something’, or ‘pay attention to something’. In this meaning, we usually use it in the imperative:…Mindas a verb
We use the verb mind to mean ‘take care or be careful of or about something’, or ‘pay attention to something’. In this meaning, we usually use it in the imperative:…Mindas a noun
The noun mind refers to the part of a person that enables them to think, feel emotions and be aware of things:…Mind: typical errors
We don’t use to-infinitive after would you mind or do you mind:…Idioms
don't mind me
I don't mind if I do
if you don't mind me saying/asking
mind (you)
mindyourown business
mindyourp's and q's
mind the store