A2[C](written abbreviationm)
aunitofmeasurementequalto 100centimetres:
(长度单位)米Thebombshelterhasconcretewallsthat are three metresthick.防空洞有厚达3米的混凝土墙。
a 15-metreyacht15米长的游艇
Shewonthe 100 metres(= aracerunover thisdistance)at theOlympics.她获得了奥运会100米短跑冠军。
He is 1 m 75tall.他身高1.75米。
Thepriceofwaterroseto 48ppercubicmetre(= aunitofvolumeequalto 1,000litres).水价上涨到每立方米48便士。
Theroomis six metressquare.这间房间面积为6平方米。
- The women's 200 metreeventwill befollowedby the men's 100 metres.
- Theriverfrozeto adepthof over a metre.
- There's adropof two metres from thewindowto theground.
- We arecurrentlyflyingat analtitudeof 15,000 metres.
- Theboatis ten metres inlength.
Measurements of length & distance
- breadth
- cm
- decimetre
- fathom
- footer
- ft
- in
- kilometre
- km
- micron
- mile
- mm
- mpg
- nautical mile
- scalar
- sq.
- square
- thick
- width
- yard
theregulararrangementofsyllablesinpoetryaccordingto thenumberandtypeofbeatsin aline:
(诗歌的)韵律,格律Hecomposespoemsin aclassicalstyleand instrictmetre.他秉承古典风格并按严格的韵律作诗。
Manyhymnshave afirm,regularmetre.许多教堂圣歌有严格而规则的韵律。
- action hero
- alliterative
- alternative history
- anapest
- anti-literary
- femslash
- fictionality
- fictive
- free verse
- genre fiction
- ode
- passion play
- pentameter
- poem
- poesy
- tartan noir
- theatrics
- topos
- tragedy
- tragicomic