apieceofclothingthat is usually made of awarmmaterialsuch aswool, haslongsleeves, and iswornover thetoppartof thebodyand is put on bypullingit overyourhead
套头毛衣![picture of pullover picture of pullover](https://dictionary.cambridge.org//images/thumb/pullov_noun_002_29547.jpg?version=5.0.287)
Grape_vein/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Jumpers, shirts & tee-shirts
- bandeau
- beach shirt
- blouse
- bodysuit
- boob tube
- dashiki
- dress shirt
- gansey
- guernsey
- hair shirt
- Oxford shirt
- polo neck
- polo shirt
- polo-necked
- resort shirt
- tee shirt
- tunic
- turtleneck
- turtlenecked
- twinset