uk/səˈluːt/us/səˈluːt/saluteverb(SHOW RESPECT)
(especiallyofpeoplein thearmedforces) to make aformalsignofrespectto someone,especiallybyraisingtherighthandto thesideof thehead:
(尤指军人)敬礼Whenever youseeanofficer, you must salute.只要见到军官就必须敬礼。
Thesoldierssaluted thecolonel.士兵们向上校敬礼。
Physical gestures of respect
- bow
- chest bump
- curtsy
- dap
- dapsomeoneup
- doff
- doffyourhat tosomeone/somethingidiom
- elbow bump
- fistbump
- genuflect
- handshake
- high five
- prostrate
- prostration
- salaam
- vail
tohonourorexpressadmirationpubliclyfor apersonor anachievement:
公开赞扬,赞颂On thismemorableoccasionwe salute thewonderfulworkdone by theassociation.在这个难忘的时刻,我们对协会的出色工作表示赞扬。
We salute youforyourcourageanddetermination.我们对你的勇气和决心致敬。
Showing respect and admiration
- admiration
- admire
- admiring
- admiringly
- approvingly
- freedom
- fulsomely
- fulsomeness
- glorify
- hallow
- homage
- honour
- payyourrespectsidiom
- putsomeoneon a pedestalidiom
- respectful
- respectfully
- retire
- retire a numberidiom
- revere
- reverence
uk/səˈluːt/us/səˈluːt/salutenoun[C](SHOW OF RESPECT)
asignofrespectmade to someone byraisingtherighthandto thesideof thehead:
敬礼Thesoldiergavea salute and theofficerreturnedit.士兵向军官敬礼,军官回礼。

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anaction, such asfiringagun, done to showrespectto someone:
致敬(如鸣礼炮等,以示对某人的尊敬)Fullmilitaryhonoursand a21-gunsalute(= 21gunsfiredat the sametime)markedhisfuneral.他的葬礼是最高规格的军葬礼,鸣21响礼炮。
Physical gestures of respect
- bow
- chest bump
- curtsy
- dap
- dapsomeoneup
- doff
- doffyourhat tosomeone/somethingidiom
- elbow bump
- fistbump
- genuflect
- handshake
- high five
- prostrate
- prostration
- salaam
- vail
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Showing respect and admiration
anactionorsigntohonouror showyouradmirationfor apersonorachievement
致敬,致意Showing respect and admiration
- admiration
- admire
- admiring
- admiringly
- approvingly
- freedom
- fulsomely
- fulsomeness
- glorify
- hallow
- homage
- honour
- payyourrespectsidiom
- putsomeoneon a pedestalidiom
- respectful
- respectfully
- retire
- retire a numberidiom
- revere
- reverence
take the salute