uk/əˈbjuːz/us/əˈbjuːz/abuseverb[T](USE WRONGLY)
to use something for thewrongpurposein a way that isharmfulormorallywrong:
(尤指为个人私利而)滥用;妄用She iscontinuallyabusing herposition/authorityby getting otherpeopleto do things for her.她不断滥用职权/权力,让别人替她做事。
I neverexpectedthat he would abuse thetrustIplacedin him.我从未料到他会利用我对他的信任。
to abusealcohol酗酒
- If you abuseyourbodynow, you'llpaythepricewhen you'reolder.
- The Mayor and hiscohortshave abusedtheirpositionsofpower.
- In alandmarkcase/decision, theGovernorpardoneda womanconvictedofkillingherhusband, who hadphysicallyabused her.
- People who have been abused aschildrenoftenexperiencefeelings/asenseofworthlessness.
- Theministerwassackedfor abusingpowerfor hispersonalgain.
Treating people or animals badly
- abuser
- anti-harassment
- at the hands ofsomeoneidiom
- batten
- batten onsomeone
- ill-treat
- ill-treatment
- ill-used
- impose
- inflict
- pick onsomeone
- prey
- prey onsomething
- putsomeonethroughsomething
- put upon
- tyrannical
- tyrannize
- tyranny
- uncared for
- use
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Using and misusing
abuseverb[T](TREAT CRUELLY)
虐待;伤害Several of thechildrenhad beensexually/physically/emotionallyabused.这些儿童中有数名受到了性虐待/肉体折磨/精神上的伤害。
Treating people or animals badly
- abuser
- anti-harassment
- at the hands ofsomeoneidiom
- batten
- batten onsomeone
- ill-treat
- ill-treatment
- ill-used
- impose
- inflict
- pick onsomeone
- prey
- prey onsomething
- putsomeonethroughsomething
- put upon
- tyrannical
- tyrannize
- tyranny
- uncared for
- use
abuseverb[T](SPEAK RUDELY)
tospeakto someonerudelyorcruelly:
辱骂;毁谤Thecrowdstartedabusing him after hefailedtosaveagoal.他没有守住球门,丢了一分,观众开始对他破口大骂。
Insults & abuse
- abusive
- backhanded compliment
- belittle
- brickbat
- contumely
- cut (someone) to the quickidiom
- denigration
- dis
- disparagement
- jeer
- left-handed compliment
- mouth
- name
- neg
- negging
- point-scoring
- putsomething/someonedown
- revile
- slight
- stick
uk/əˈbjuːs/us/əˈbjuːs/abusenoun(WRONG USE)
the use of something in a way that isharmfulormorallywrong:
(尤指出于个人私利的)滥用;妄用an abuse(=wronguse)ofprivilege/power/someone'skindness滥用特权/滥用权力/利用某人的善良
Drugandalcoholabuse(= using thesesubstancesin abadway)contributedto his earlydeath.嗜毒和酗酒导致了他的早逝。
- Thegovernmentsay they aretryingto do more toeducatethepublicabout theconsequencesofdrugabuse.
- Afteryearsof abuse from herhusband, sheeventuallyfoundthecouragetoleavehim.
- Judge Hawthorne waschosentoheadtheteaminvestigatingtheallegationsof abuse.
- There are fewcrimesmoretrulyshockingthan themurderor abuse ofchildren.
- Thefamilysaid they hadenduredyearsoftormentand abuse at thehandsof theneighbours.
Treating people or animals badly
- abuser
- anti-harassment
- at the hands ofsomeoneidiom
- batten
- batten onsomeone
- ill-treat
- ill-treatment
- ill-used
- impose
- inflict
- pick onsomeone
- prey
- prey onsomething
- putsomeonethroughsomething
- put upon
- tyrannical
- tyrannize
- tyranny
- uncared for
- use
cruel,violent, orunfairtreatmentof someone:
虐待;伤害Sheclaimedto have been avictimofchildabuse .她声称自己曾是虐待儿童罪行的受害者。
Treating people or animals badly
- abuser
- anti-harassment
- at the hands ofsomeoneidiom
- batten
- batten onsomeone
- ill-treat
- ill-treatment
- ill-used
- impose
- inflict
- pick onsomeone
- prey
- prey onsomething
- putsomeonethroughsomething
- put upon
- tyrannical
- tyrannize
- tyranny
- uncared for
- use
abusenoun(RUDE SPEECH)
rudeandoffensivewords said to anotherperson:
辱骂;毁谤He hadapparentlyexperienceda lot ofverbalabuse from his co-workers.显然他经常遭到同事的辱骂。
Hehurled(astream/torrentof)abuse at her(= he said a lot ofrudeandoffensivethings to her).他对她(劈头盖脸)一通大骂。
"Idiot!" is atermof abuse(= aninsultingexpression).Idiot! 是一句带有侮辱性的话。
Insults & abuse
- abusive
- backhanded compliment
- belittle
- brickbat
- contumely
- cut (someone) to the quickidiom
- denigration
- dis
- disparagement
- jeer
- left-handed compliment
- mouth
- name
- neg
- negging
- point-scoring
- putsomething/someonedown
- revile
- slight
- stick