adecorativepieceofclothwithletters, words,pictures, etc.sewedon it, madeespeciallyin the past and oftenhungon thewalllike apicture
DEA PICTURE LIBRARY/De Agostini Picture Library/GettyImages
Knitting & sewing
- appliqué
- appliquéd
- Aran
- Bargello
- baste
- haberdashery
- handknit
- handknitted
- hank
- hem
- overcast
- quilting
- reknit
- resew
- rib
- runsomethingup
- running stitch
- seam
- sew
- stitch
adevicethatallowsyou torecordpartsof other people'ssongsand then use thesepartstocreatenewpiecesofmusic
(音乐)抽录合成器Pop, rock & soul
- agit-pop
- anti-rock
- backing dancer
- backing singer
- backspin
- disc jockey
- DJ
- drill
- drum and bass
- dub
- electronica
- emo
- jukebox
- lyrically
- mod
- Motown
- New Age music
- pop group
- trap music
- trip-hop
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Recording sounds and images
aproductthatcontainssomeexamplesorfeaturesof something, so thatcustomerscan get anideaof what it is like:
(产品)集锦ThefullMozart Collection isavailableon 45CDs, or you canbuya moremodestsampler of 12CDs.莫扎特全集共有45张CD,你也可以根据情况购买包括12张CD的精选集。
- baby
- bijou
- bite-sized
- compactly
- compactness
- dwarf
- elfin
- midget
- modest
- no/not enough room to swing a catidiom
- on the large, small, etc. sideidiom
- pint-sized
- pocket handkerchief
- pocket-sized
- scrubby
- shoe box
- shrunken
- skimpy
- slightness
- wee