(UKusuallyminiaturise)uk/ˈmɪn.ə.tʃər.aɪz/us/ˈmɪn.ɪ.tʃɚ.aɪz/to make a verysmallversionof something,especiallyusingmoderntechnology:
使小型化,使微型化Newtechnologycontinuesto miniaturizecomputercomponents.新技术促进电脑部件不断小型化。
Thekeyto miniaturizing thepacemakerwas thedevelopmentof thetransistor.心脏起搏器小型化的关键是晶体管的发展。
- I don't miniaturizeobjects, but Ilovetheintimacyofsmallpaintings.
- It'sprovento be a little moredifficultthan wasanticipatedto miniaturize themachinery.
- Developerswantedto useavailablecommercialpartsbut thatlimitedhow much they could miniaturize therobotsbecause thepartsgenerallyarepartof apackagedunitorsystem.
Becoming and making smaller or less
- abridgment
- attenuate
- attenuated
- attenuating
- attenuation
- boil
- damp
- falling
- falling-off
- foreshorten
- foreshortened
- go through the flooridiom
- haircut
- runsomeone/somethingdown
- rundown
- sag
- salami slicing
- scalesomethingdown
- shave
- telescope