集成电路片,芯片(同 chip)Synonym
silicon chip

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Computer hardware
- 3-D printer
- beamer
- blackberry
- brick
- bubblejet
- card reader
- data projector
- gamepad
- graphics card
- hard drive
- optical reader
- optically
- palmtop
- parallel port
- patch
- patch intosomething
- pen drive
- plug and play
- printer
- whiteboard
uk/ˈmaɪ.krəʊ.tʃɪp/us/ˈmaɪ.kroʊ.tʃɪp/to put amicrochipwithinformationon it under theskinof ananimalso that it can beidentified(=recognized), and, forexample,returnedtoitsowner:
Moreanimalshave beenreclaimedbecause moreownersare microchippingtheirpets.
So muchheartachecould have beenavoidedafter Hurricane Katrina ifpeoplehad hadtheirdogsmicrochipped.
- Those whofailto have thedogmicrochipped orinsuredcould havetheirdogimpoundedattheirexpense.
- Heestimatedthat tenpets,includingacatboundfor Hawaii, where suchidentificationismandatory, have been microchipped in hisofficeover the last sixmonths.
- They microchipped thepetandsentit off to agreatfamily.
- If thedogcomes back,pleasehave him microchipped.
- ascribesomethingtosomething
- ascription
- badged
- badging
- band
- distinguishing
- dog tag
- geotag
- id
- ID card
- identifiable
- misidentification
- misidentify
- passport
- pick
- picksomeone/somethingout
- reidentify
- signature
- stamp
- traceable