apieceofequipmentthat youspeakinto to makeyourvoicelouder, or torecordyourvoiceor othersounds:
扩音器,麦克风,话筒Theintervieweraskedher tospeakinto/usethe microphone.采访者让她对着话筒讲话。
Mylaptophas abuilt-inmicrophone.我的手提电脑有一个内置麦克风。

Renaud Philippe/EyeEm/GettyImages
- Can you show me where the microphoneplugsinto thetaperecorder?
- The microphoneconvertsacousticwavestoelectricalsignalsfortransmission.
- Theythrusta microphone infrontof me andfiredquestionsat me.
- Thephotographertrippedover alead,wrenchinga microphone fromitsstand.
Amplifiers, microphones & speakers
- amp
- amplifier
- balance
- bass
- bullhorn
- earphone
- electrophone
- headphone
- headphones
- headset
- hot mic
- loudhailer
- megaphone
- mic
- mike
- mike check
- pa
- public address system
- soundbase
- Tannoy