aperson,especiallyachildatschool, who is beingtaught:
学生,(尤指)小学生a second-year pupil小学二年级学生
a primary-school pupil小学生
Theschoolhas over 400 pupils.这所学校有400多名学生。
There is a veryrelaxedatmospherebetweenstaffand pupils at theschool.这所学校师生之间的气氛很轻松。
Herschoolreportdescribedher as a verypromisingpupil.在她的成绩单中她被描述成一个非常有前途的学生。
someone who is beingtaughtaskill,especiallypaintingormusic, by anexpert:
学徒;弟子;门徒Thepaintingisbelievedto be by a pupil ofTitian.这幅画被认为是提香的一位门徒所作。
- Thestupidbehaviourof one pupil hasbroughtdiscrediton thewholeschool.
- All pupils areexpectedtoattendschoolassembly.
- Thegovernmenthaspooh-poohedtheideathatprimaryschoolswillbegintoselectpupils.
- Thevastmajorityof pupilsattendstate-fundedschools.
- Theartisthimself did notpaintthebackgroundsto hispictures- they were done by his pupils.
Students & pupils
- -grader
- alumna
- alumnus
- attrition
- batch
- batchmate
- entrant
- graduate
- homeschooler
- houseman
- infant
- intern
- internship
- learner
- school-leaver
- schoolboy
- schoolchild
- schoolgirl
- schoolmate
- theologian
pupilnoun[C](EYE PART)
thecircularblackareain thecentreof aneye, through whichlightenters:
瞳孔Pupilscontractinbrightlight, anddilateindarkness.瞳孔在明亮的光线下会收缩,在黑暗中会扩大。

Rolando Caponi/EyeEm/GettyImages
The eye & surrounding area
- beady
- beetling
- blink
- ciliary
- cone
- conjunctiva
- crow's feet
- epiretinal membrane
- extraocular
- fovea
- iris
- peeper
- retina
- retinal
- rheumy
- sclera
- simple eye
- squint
- staring
- supraorbital