uk/ˈpɜː.də/us/ˈpɝː.də/thecustom,foundin someMuslimandHinducultures, ofkeepingwomen from beingseenby men they are notrelatedto, by having themlivein aseparatepartof thehouseor behind acurtain, and having themwearclothingthatcoversthewholebody,includingtheface:
(伊斯兰教和印度教妇女躲在帷幔或面纱后不让外人看到的)深闺制度;置身深闺The women in thevillagelivein(strict)purdah.这个村庄的妇女都(严格地)身居深闺。
In thisregionwomenseldomventureout ofpurdah.在这一地区,很少有妇女敢于走出深闺。
thestateof notseeingorspeakingto anyone:
不与人交往的Jeff hasgone intopurdah while he'spreparingfor hisexams.杰夫在准备考试期间不与任何人来往。
- caliphate
- fatwa
- hadj
- hajj
- halal
- headscarf
- jihad
- jihadi
- Mecca
- minaret
- prayer mat
- Ramadan
- salaam
- sehri
- sharia
- Sunni
- the Koran
- the Qur'an
- veil
- yashmak
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Religious practices
Separateness and isolation in space