释义 |
settleverb(AGREE)B2[T]toreachadecisionor anagreementabout something, or to end adisagreement: 确定;决定;解决,结束(争端等) Good, that's all settled - yousendout theinvitationsfor theparty, and I'llorganizethefood.好,那就这么定了——你发聚会的请帖,我来准备吃的。 [+ question word]They haven'tyetsettledwhen theweddingis going to be.他们还没有确定婚礼在什么时候举行。 "Theticketsare €40 each." "Well,thatsettlesthat- I can'taffordthat much."“入场券每张40欧元。”“好吧,那就算了吧,我付不起那么多钱。” I'd like to get thismattersettledonceand for all(=reachafinaldecisionon it).我想把这件事了结了。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto decide - decideI've decided to move to Sweden.
- fixUKThe price has been fixed at £10.
- setHave you set a date for the wedding?
- finalizeWe've chosen a venue for the wedding, but we haven't finalized the details yet.
- settleOK then, we're going to Spain. That's settled.
- settle on/uponHave you settled on a place to live yet?
See more results » B2[IorT]toarrangesomething: 安排 Thedetailsof thecontracthave notyetbeen settled.合同的细节问题仍然没有谈妥。 Ourlawyeradvisedus that it would bebetterto settleout ofcourt(=reachanagreementin alegalcasewithout it beingdecidedin acourtoflaw).我们的律师建议我们最好在庭外和解。 It tookmonthsto settle(=bringto an end)thedispute/strike.用了好几个月的时间才解决这次争端/结束这次罢工。 Myfatherand I haveagreedfinallyto settleourdifferences(=stoparguing).我和我父亲最终同意不再争论。 - They had to go tocourtto settle theargument.
- They're stillditheringabout who toinvite, but we really need to get it settled.
- He stillneedsto settle thedateof themeeting.
- That's settled - I neverwanttoseehim again.
- We haven'tquitesettled who'sresponsiblefor what.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAccepting & agreeing - acceptance
- accepting
- accommodation
- accreditation
- agree tosomething
- agree withsomething
- approved
- concur
- murmur
- reconcile
- rise
- root
- rule
- seeyourway (clear) todoing somethingidiom
- self-acceptance
- self-acknowledged
- self-admitted
- settle onsomething
- sign on the dotted lineidiom
- unanimous
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Planning, expecting and arranging settleverb(MAKE COMFORTABLE)[IorT,usually+ adv/prep]torelaxinto acomfortableposition: (使)(舒舒服服地)坐下;安顿下来 Afterdinnerwe settledinfrontofthetelevisionfor theevening.晚饭后,我们舒舒服服地坐在电视机前。 Thedentisttold herpatientto settlebackin thechair.牙医让病人靠在椅子上放松。 He settled himselfdownwith anewspaper, andwaitedfor theflighttoarrive.他安心坐下来看报纸,等候航班到来。 [I]tobegintoplayagamein arelaxedandcomfortableway: England'saggressiveplayneverallowedthe New Zealanders to settle. After afranticstart, theteamsettled into a goodrhythm. - I settled back andwaitedfor thefilmtostart.
- We settled inourcomfortablecarriageandwatchedthesceneryrollby.
- I couldn'tseemto settle thechildreninbed.
- I settled myself with acupofteaandthoughtabout what hadhappened.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesComfortable and uncomfortable - airiness
- airy
- be inyourelementidiom
- be out ofyourelementidiom
- be/feel at homeidiom
- comfortably
- cosily
- cosiness
- cosy
- creature comforts
- curl
- curl up
- forgiving
- lived inidiom
- nestle
- oppressively
- oppressiveness
- primitive
- scratchy
- snug
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: settleverb(LIVE)B2[Iusually+ adv/prep]to go andlivesomewhere,especiallypermanently: (尤指永久性地)定居,安家 After they gotmarried, they settledinBrooklyn.他们结婚后在布鲁克林定居下来。 [IorT,often passive]toarrive,especiallyfrom anothercountry, in a newplaceandstarttolivethere and use theland: (尤指从别国)移居殖民地;殖民 Americawas first settled bypeoplewho cameacrossfromAsiaover 25,000yearsago.2.5万年前,从亚洲来的移民首次在美洲安家落户。 - We'vemovedall over thecountry, but I'd like to settle here now.
- The Romans settled inBritainin the firstcenturyAD.
- Afterdecadesofdesertlife, they settled in themountains.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesChanging homes & moving - anti-immigrant
- anti-immigration
- asylum seeker
- deinstitutionalize
- diaspora
- greener pasturesidiom
- immigrant
- immigration
- migrant
- migrate
- migration
- mover
- pasture
- relocation
- removal
- removalist
- remover
- resettle
- shift
- stake
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: settleverb(MOVE LOWER)C1[I]tomoveto alowerlevelandstaythere; todrop: 降落;沉降 Thehousehad beenemptyforyears, anddusthad settledonall thesurfaces.这座房子多年来一直空着,所有东西上面都落了一层灰。 Do youthinkthesnowwill settle(=remainon thegroundand othersurfaceswithoutmelting)?你认为会积雪吗? Thecontentsof thispackagemay settle(=falltowards thebottomof thecontainerand soseemto be less).包裹里的东西可以再压紧一些。 - Thejuicegoesthickat thebottomwhen it settles.
- Snow had settled on therooftops.
- Oncedustsettles in thegaps, it will notworkas well.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBoarding and alighting from modes of transport - alight
- bestride
- board
- climb
- debark
- deplane
- disembark
- disembarkation
- dismount
- embark
- embarkation
- entrain
- get
- get off
- get on
- get out
- hop
- mount
- reboard
- straddle
See more results » settleverb(PAY)C2[IorT]topay,especiallymoneythat youowe: 支付(尤指欠款或被索款项);偿付;结算 Please settleyouraccount/billwithoutfurtherdelay.请立即付清账款/账单,勿再拖延。 It took theinsurancecompanymonthsto settle myclaim.保险公司用了好几个月才付清我的理赔金。 formalPayment ofyouraccountis nowoverdue, and we mustaskyou to settle(=paythemoneyyouowe)immediately.您账上的款项已逾期未付,请您务必马上付清。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAccounting - accountancy
- accountant
- accounting
- accounts
- annualized
- auditor
- balance
- balance sheet
- bill
- budget
- capital
- creative accounting
- double entry bookkeeping
- false accounting
- forensic accountant
- forensic accounting
- loss
- treasurer
- unaudited
- writesomethingdown
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: settleverb(QUIET)[IorT]tobecomequietandcalm, or to make something or someone do this: (使)安静下来;(使)平静下来 Theweatherisexpectedto settle towards the end of theweek.天气预计会在周末时稳定下来。 I'llcallyou back assoonas I've settled thekidsfor thenight.我把孩子们安顿下来睡觉后,就马上给你回电话。 Before aperformance, shetakesthreedeepbreaths to settle hernerves.在演出之前,她会深呼吸3次来平定紧张的情绪。 We're verybusythisweek, but things should settle(down)abitafter theweekend.我们这个星期很忙,不过周末之后事情应该会少一点儿。 UKJoe'sparentsare veryworriedabout him because he doesn'tseemto beableto settleto(= to give hiswholeattentionto)anything.乔的父母很为他担心,因为乔似乎做什么事都不能够安下心来。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCalming and relaxing - assuage
- balls-to-the-wall
- bask
- bread
- bread and circusesidiom
- calm
- chill
- humour
- let/blow off steamidiom
- lie down
- lightensomethingup
- lull
- lullsomeoneintosomething
- melt
- relaxation
- settle down
- shirt
- simmer
- simmer down
- slow down
See more results » settleverb(BE IN A CERTAIN STATE)[I+ adv/prep]toreachandremainat acertainlevelor in acertainstate: 稳定下来 Thepoundroseslightlyagainst thedollartoday, then settledat$1.53.英镑对美元的汇率今天略有上升,之后便停留在1.53美元的价位上。 Apeacefulexpressionsettledonherface.她脸上现出一副平静的神色。 After therecentriots, anuneasycalmhas settledonthecity.最近的暴乱平息后,城里笼罩着一种令人不安的平静气氛。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesKeeping and staying the same - anti-progressive
- calcification
- calcify
- consistency
- consistent
- continuum
- insensitivity
- invariant
- inveteracy
- leave well aloneidiom
- left
- peg
- stability
- stabilization
- stabilize
- stably
- stay
- wallow
- wallow insomething
- wouldn't have it any other wayidiom
See more results » Idiomssettle an account settleyouraffairs settle an (old) score Phrasal verbssettle down settle(someone)down settle forsomething settle in settlesomeonein settle onsomething settlesomethingonsomeone settle up (Definition ofsettlefrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)settleverb(AGREE)B2[T]toreachadecisionor anagreementabout something, or to end adisagreement 确定;决定;解决,结束(争端等)Good, that's all settled - yousendout theinvitationsfor theparty, and I'llorganizethefood.好,那就这么定了——你发聚会的请帖,我来准备吃的。 [+ question word]They haven'tyetsettledwhen theweddingis going to be.他们还没有确定婚礼在什么时候举行。 "Theticketsare €40 each." "Well,thatsettlesthat- I can'taffordthat much."“入场券每张40欧元。”“好吧,那就算了吧,我付不起那么多钱。” I'd like to get thismattersettledonceand for all(=reachafinaldecisionon it).我想把这件事了结了。 B2[IorT]toarrangesomething 安排Thedetailsof thecontracthave notyetbeen settled.合同的细节问题仍然没有谈妥。 Ourlawyeradvisedus that it would bebetterto settleout ofcourt(=reachanagreementin alegalcasewithout it beingdecidedin acourtoflaw).我们的律师建议我们最好在庭外和解。 It tookmonthsto settle(=bringto an end)thedispute/strike.用了好几个月的时间才解决这次争端/结束这次罢工。 Myfatherand I haveagreedfinallyto settleourdifferences(=stoparguing).我和我父亲最终同意不再争论。 - They had to go tocourtto settle theargument.
- They're stillditheringabout who toinvite, but we really need to get it settled.
- He stillneedsto settle thedateof themeeting.
- That's settled - I neverwanttoseehim again.
- We haven'tquitesettled who'sresponsiblefor what.
settleverb(MAKE COMFORTABLE)[IorT,usually+ adv/prep]torelaxinto acomfortableposition (使)(舒舒服服地)坐下;安顿下来Afterdinnerwe settledinfrontofthetelevisionfor theevening.晚饭后,我们舒舒服服地坐在电视机前。 Thedentisttold herpatientto settlebackin thechair.牙医让病人靠在椅子上放松。 He settled himselfdownwith anewspaper, andwaitedfor theflighttoarrive.他安心坐下来看报纸,等候航班到来。 - I settled back andwaitedfor thefilmtostart.
- We settled inourcomfortablecarriageandwatchedthesceneryrollby.
- I couldn'tseemto settle thechildreninbed.
- I settled myself with acupofteaandthoughtabout what hadhappened.
settleverb(LIVE)B2[Iusually+ adv/prep]to go andlivesomewhere,especiallypermanently (尤指永久性地)定居,安家After they gotmarried, they settledinBrooklyn.他们结婚后在布鲁克林定居下来。 [IorT,often passive]toarrive,especiallyfrom anothercountry, in a newplaceandstarttolivethere and use theland (尤指从别国)移居殖民地;殖民Americawas first settled bypeoplewho cameacrossfromAsiaover 25,000yearsago.2.5万年前,从亚洲来的移民首次在美洲安家落户。 - We'vemovedall over thecountry, but I'd like to settle here now.
- The Romans settled inBritainin the firstcenturyAD.
- Afterdecadesofdesertlife, they settled in themountains.
settleverb(MOVE LOWER)C1[I]tomoveto alowerlevelandstaythere; todrop 降落;沉降Thehousehad beenemptyforyears, anddusthad settledonall thesurfaces.这座房子多年来一直空着,所有东西上面都落了一层灰。 Do youthinkthesnowwill settle(=remainon thegroundand othersurfaceswithoutmelting)?你认为会积雪吗? Thecontentsof thispackagemay settle(=falltowards thebottomof thecontainerand soseemto be less).包裹里的东西可以再压紧一些。 - Thejuicegoesthickat thebottomwhen it settles.
- Snow had settled on therooftops.
- Oncedustsettles in thegaps, it will notworkas well.
settleverb(PAY)C2[IorT]topay,especiallymoneythat youowe 支付(尤指欠款或被索款项);偿付;结算Please settleyouraccount/billwithoutfurtherdelay.请立即付清账款/账单,勿再拖延。 It took theinsurancecompanymonthsto settle myclaim.保险公司用了好几个月才付清我的理赔金。 formalPayment ofyouraccountis nowoverdue, and we mustaskyou to settle(=paythemoneyyouowe)immediately.您账上的款项已逾期未付,请您务必马上付清。 settleverb(QUIET)[IorT]tobecomequietandcalm, or to make something or someone do this (使)安静下来;(使)平静下来Theweatherisexpectedto settle towards the end of theweek.天气预计会在周末时稳定下来。 I'llcallyou back assoonas I've settled thekidsfor thenight.我把孩子们安顿下来睡觉后,就马上给你回电话。 Before aperformance, shetakesthreedeepbreaths to settle hernerves.在演出之前,她会深呼吸3次来平定紧张的情绪。 We're verybusythisweek, but things should settle(down)abitafter theweekend.我们这个星期很忙,不过周末之后事情应该会少一点儿。 UKJoe'sparentsare veryworriedabout him because he doesn'tseemto beableto settleto(= to give hiswholeattentionto)anything.乔的父母很为他担心,因为乔似乎做什么事都不能够安下心来。 settleverb(BE IN A CERTAIN STATE)[I+ adv/prep]toreachandremainat acertainlevelor in acertainstate 稳定下来Thepoundroseslightlyagainst thedollartoday, then settledat$1.53.英镑对美元的汇率今天略有上升,之后便停留在1.53美元的价位上。 Apeacefulexpressionsettledonherface.她脸上现出一副平静的神色。 After therecentriots, anuneasycalmhas settledonthecity.最近的暴乱平息后,城里笼罩着一种令人不安的平静气氛。 Idiomssettle an account settleyouraffairs settle an (old) score Phrasal verbssettle down settle(sb)down settle forsth settle in settlesbin settle onsth settlesthonsb settle up settle| American Dictionarysettleverb(MAKE COMFORTABLE)[always+ adv/prep]to get or tobecomecomfortable: [T]Campbell settled herself infrontof ablazingfire. [I]He settled back in hischairand took out abook. settleverb(AGREE)[I/T]toreachadecisionor anagreementabout something, or to end adisagreement: [T]Rogerspaid$2 million to settle thelawsuit. [T]Americansturnto adictionaryto settlequestionsoflanguage. [I]Negotiators arehopefulthe twosideswill settle. settle out of court If you settle out ofcourt, youreachanagreementin alegalcasewithoutholdingatrialincourt: Thedefendantagreedto settle out ofcourt. settleverb(PAY)Hesoldhisphotographsto settle someolddebts. settleverb(LIVE)[I/T]tolivein aplaceor to gosomewheretolive,esp.permanently: [I]After they gotmarried, they settled inVirginia. [T]Immigrants settled thisislandtwo hundredyearsago. [I]fig.An early-eveningglowsettles on thecity(= thecityhasbeguntoglow). settleverb(MOVE LOWER)[I]tomoveto alowerlevelandstaythere;drop: Dust can settle into thewetpaintandspoilthefinish. Unusedfarmmachinerysettled in highweedsbehind thehouse. Idiomssettleyournerves settleyourstomach settle the score Phrasal verbssettle down settle down tosomething settle forsomething settle in settle intosomewhere/something settle onsomething settle up (Definition ofsettlefrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)[T]topaymoneythat youowe: settle abill/debt Onlyhalfoftheirclientssettledtheiraccountsontime. [IorT]to end anargumentbyreachinganagreementto do something: settle adispute/argument/lawsuit Thecompanypaid$5 million toformeremployeestosettleclaimsofunfairdismissal. Unionandmanagementwereurgedtosettletheirdifferences. Thecompanydecidedit wascheaperto settleratherthanfightthecaseincourt. to make afinaldecisionabout something: We need afinalmeetingtosettle thematteronceand for all. OK, sothat's settledthen. [I]FINANCEifprices,values, etc. settle, theystopmovingup or down: Theyexpecthousepriceinflationto settle around 10%. settle at sthAfter arockyride,sharesin theentertainmentcompanysettled at $13. settle out of court LAWto end anargumentwithout having to go to acourtoflaw, usually byagreeingto thepaymentof aparticularamountofmoney: Inviewof thelegalcosts, theydecidedto settle out ofcourt. Phrasal verbssettle for sth settle on/upon sth settle sth on sb settle up (Definition ofsettlefrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofsettlesettle By the end of the eight-year period studied, 2,000 people were settled in twelve colonies.From theCambridge English Corpus The incongruity between extra-terrestrial beings and the settled, comfortable world they invade produces a creative tension.From theCambridge English Corpus As cocoa specialization provided greater remuneration to the farmer's labour, it soon became the crop of choice for all smallholders who settled in forested lands.From theCambridge English Corpus After having settled on a general approach, let us discuss the form of judgments.From theCambridge English Corpus There is an even stronger case for a second edition, when the dust has settled a little on the current reform process.From theCambridge English Corpus The way perceptions are represented in our brains is far from settled, but the rules of kinematic geometry could not be applied to some possibilities.From theCambridge English Corpus After settling the final form in a clay model, it was enlarged to a fullscale set of plaster fragments in his workshop.From theCambridge English Corpus Conversion would follow, and then a settled domestic life.From theCambridge English Corpus Most of these were young women travelling abroad to experience something new before attending university or settling down in their own country.From theCambridge English Corpus While there were important differences of perspective, both parties subscribed broadly to the liberal social democratic policy framework settled in the 1950s.From theCambridge English Corpus Disagreements in coding arose in relation to 1.5% of the codable utterances, and 0.7 % of those were settled by discussion.From theCambridge English Corpus When aphids had moulted, passed through the teneral stage, settled and begun reproducing, they were transferred to experimental plants.From theCambridge English Corpus After this initial coding had yielded 55 per cent agreement, we examined all discrepancies and then jointly settled on a final coding.From theCambridge English Corpus After that is done, the second ballot presents itself, and the voter settles down to his or her more serious convictions.From theCambridge English Corpus Instead, 'these conflicts should be settled by an independent party'.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/settle## |