UKuk/ˌmɪn.iˈraʊnd.ə.baʊt/us/ˌmɪn.iˈraʊnd.ə.baʊt/asmall,flatroundabout(= aplacewhere three or moreroadsjoinandtrafficmust go around acircularareain themiddle,ratherthanstraightacross)that isshownonly bymarkson theroad, and that it ispossibletodriveover ifnecessary:
迷你环岛,微型环岛At a mini-roundabout it isimportanttorememberthat allvehiclesmustpassround thecentralmarkings,unlessthey are toolargeto do so.在微型环岛,必须记住,所有车辆必须绕过中央标线,除非车辆太大,无法绕过。

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Road junctions
- box
- box junction
- circus
- cloverleaf
- corner
- crossing
- crossroad
- crossroads
- fork
- intersect
- intersection
- junction
- roundabout
- spaghetti junction
- staggered junction
- throughabout
- traffic circle
- turn off(something)
- turning