(alsomis-education)uk/ˌmɪs.edʒ.ʊˈkeɪ.ʃən/us/ˌmɪs.edʒ.əˈkeɪ.ʃən/thefactorprocessofeducatingpeoplein a way that is notcorrect:
Theprogrammeis anattempttoeliminatemiseducation andstereotypes.
People wereblindedto thefactsby anelaboratemis-education.
- Thesedecisionsarebasedonfearand miseducation.
- Miseducation andmisinformationleftmanypeopleconfused.
- A person'scharactercan be wellmouldedby a goodeducation, orbadlymouldedthrough miseducation.
- Thisideawasbasedon mis-education,suppressedhistory, andoutrightlies.
Urging & persuading
- ambulance-chasing
- argumentation
- be/go on atsomeoneidiom
- blag
- blagger
- chivvy
- fob
- induce
- inveigle
- lean
- lean onsomeone/something
- miseducate
- overencourage
- persuasive
- soft sell
- tub-thumping
- urge
- woo
- wrap
- wrapsomeonearoundyourlittle fingeridiom
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Teaching in general