mise en scène
theatre & filmspecialized(alsomise en scene)uk/ˌmiːz ɑ̃ːn ˈsen/us/ˌmiːz ɑ̃ːn ˈsen/pluralmises en scèneormise en scènesthetypeofplaceandsituationin which theactionof afilmorplayhappens:
(电影、舞台剧等的)场景This is the film's mostcelebratedscene, a masterstroke ofmovementand mise enscene.这是影片中最著名的一幕,是动作和场景的大手笔。
Thegeneralmise en scène -solitaryfigure,movingdowngloomyVictorianstreetsattwilight-bringstomindDr Jekyll and MrHyde.孤独的身影,在暮色中沿着阴暗的维多利亚时代的街道行走,这些场景设计不禁让人想起了《化身博士》。
- Thedarkmise ensceneandsharpdialogueowea lot to theblackermomentsofdrynewcomedies.
- Hischaracterbreatheslifeinto achillymise en scène.
- Theplotisbalancedprecariouslyon aknifeedgewhen ahandgunappearswithoutwarningin the mise en scène.
- The mise enscenehas thejewelleddazzleof apaintingby Delacroix, withscarlet,turquoiseandgoldcostumesreverberant againstdistantminarets.
- She isinterestedin theplacementof theactors, the setdesign, the mise en scène.
Cinema & theatre: production, direction & recording
- acquire
- acquisition
- armourer
- auteur
- canister
- computer-animated
- filmmaker
- filmmaking
- fog machine
- green screen
- helmer
- linear
- produce
- recut
- reshoot
- restage
- run throughsomething
- screen test
- setting
- special effect