rabbit hole
uk/ˈræb.ɪt ˌhəʊl/us/ˈræb.ɪt ˌhoʊl/aholein thegrounddugby arabbit:
兔子洞Hebrokehisanklewhen hisfootgotcaughtin arabbithole.他踩到兔子洞扭伤了脚踝。
See also

Jose A. Bernat Bacete/Moment/GettyImages
acomplicatedordifficultsituation,especiallyone that isdifficultto get out of:
Sheoncewent down thatpoliticalrabbithole.
Theiradviceis notmeanttosendyou down arabbithole, andinvolveyou inchaosanddisorder.
Let'savoidthatparticularrabbitholeandconsiderabroaderand moreunsettlingpoint.
asituationin which youbecomesointerestedin asubjector anactivitythat you cannotstoptryingtofindout about it or doing it:
无法脱身;深陷…...之中无法自拔Iknowwhen Ireada WWInovelIinevitablyend up down arabbitholeresearchingthewar.我知道我一读一战的小说就无可避免地深陷于对这场战争的研究之中无法自拔。
You cankindoffindyourself gettingsuckedintovariousattentionrabbitholes.你有可能会发现自己受到各种关注,无法脱身。
Animal dwellings - natural
- anthill
- arboreal
- biome
- burrow
- byre
- cobweb
- den
- earth
- foxhole
- guest
- habitat
- hole
- holt
- lair
- molehill
- roost
- sett
- spider's web
- warren
- wildlife corridor
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Difficult situations and unpleasant experiences
Creating a distraction