consisting of orcontainingasinglepart,structure, etc.:
单一的Aparentwith such asingledoseof thedominantalleleis called the simplexparent.具有这种单剂量显性等位基因的亲本称为单纯亲本。
of acommunicationssystem,allowingcommunicationin only onedirection:
(通讯系统)单工的Radiotechnologyrefers to a simplexsystemwhen only onepartycantransmitat atime.无线电技术是指一次只有一方可以传输的单工系统。
- Jones (1991)testedfirst graders on thesegmentationof morphophonologicallycomplexand simplexformsinEnglish.
- Many of thesestudiesobservethatdespitetheirsemantic,structural, andpragmaticcomplexity, diminutives are one of theearliest, morphosyntacticformto beacquired, with both simplex and diminutizedformsappearingin thespeechof veryyoungchildren.
- The simplexalgorithmwas used tominimizethe mean-squarederrorbetween thesedatasets.
- The 3816laserprinterprintsin both simplex (frontsideonly) andduplex(bothsides)modes.
- Datatransmissionflow:circuitsare: Simplex: onedirection; Halfduplex: twodirections, only one at atime; Fullduplex: twodirectionssimultaneously.
Crude and basic
- 101
- at bottomidiom
- backward
- backwardness
- bare
- crude
- elemental
- folksy
- homespun
- inelegant
- inelegantly
- low-tech
- roughness
- rudely
- rudeness
- rudimentary
- rustic
- rusticate
- skeletal
- two-dimensional
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Communications - general words
asimpleword that is not acombinationof other words orpartsof words :
简单词SeveralOldEnglishsimplices have thegeneralmeaning"mind".古英语中有几个简单词的意思均为“思想”。
thesimplestshapethat ispossiblein aparticularspace:
单纯形:相对于某个空间中存在的最简图形Aregularsimplex ofdimensionn is the polytope with thelargestnumberofpointsthat can beembeddedin Rn such that allpointsareequidistant.n 维正则单纯形是具有最多可嵌入 Rn 中的点且所有点皆等距的多面体。
- Thisdifferencein theusageofcompoundsand simplexes inverseisillustratedquiteconciselyby acomparisonoftheiraveragedistributions.
- A d-polytope is simplicial if everyproperfaceis a simplex.
Linguistic terms & linguistic style
- affricate
- allophone
- allophony
- anaphor
- anaphora
- chatty
- colloquial
- distributive
- double entendre
- downtoner
- emphatic
- entailment
- etymological
- flowery
- oxymoron
- parallelism
- philological
- polysemy
- portmanteau word
- prescriptivism
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Linguistics: morphology & parts of words
Geometrical shapes