uk/skɜːl/us/skɜ˞ːl/aloud, highsound,especiallythat ofbagpipes(= amusicalinstrument,popularinScotland,playedbyblowingairinto abagandpressingit out throughpipes):
(尤指苏格兰风笛发出的)高腔尖声;尖声高唱;尖声高叫In thedistanceIhearda skirl ofbagpipes.我听到远处传来的风笛声。
Whatmusicalinstrumentmakes ashrillsoundcalled a skirl?什么样的乐器发出的尖声叫“skirl”呢?
- He made some of his ownsoldiersput onkiltsandmarchto the skirl ofpipes.
- You canvirtuallyhearthewhineof thewindstrafinghischeeksandimaginethethinreedyskirl of hisinstrument.
- Thehammerand akiltracewillallowtheearsof thespectatorsabreakfrom the skirl.
Folk & ethnic music
- bandura
- bluegrass
- country
- country and western
- country music
- folk
- folk rock
- folk song
- raga
- session
- skiffle
- throat singing
uk/skɜːl/us/skɜ˞ːl/(especiallyofbagpipes) to make aloud, highsound:
Alonepiperskirled alament.一位孤独的风笛手吹奏着一首悲伤的乐曲。
His skirlingguitarwas acentralfeatureof therecord.他高亢的吉他曲是这张唱片的核心特征。
- There was ascatteringofapplauseas thesingerbeganand thebagpipesskirled.
- There's anearthinessto this skirling andbuoyantfolkmusic.
Folk & ethnic music
- bandura
- bluegrass
- country
- country and western
- country music
- folk
- folk rock
- folk song
- raga
- session
- skiffle
- throat singing