apersonfrom Sindh, aprovince(= anareathat isgovernedaspartof acountry)in thesoutheastof Pakistan:
(巴基斯坦的)信德省人I wasborna Sindhi, but am aSouthIndianatheart.我生为信德人,但骨子里却是个南印度人。
thelanguagespokenin Sindh, and incertainpartsofwesternIndia:
信德语Sindhi is one of India'sofficiallanguages.信德语是印度的官方语言之一。
- Bhutto was a Sindhi himself, andknewthat theruralSindhipopulationhad alwaysfeltalienatedfrom thepowerstructures.
- Ireadand write Telugu as well as Sindhi.
- There areevensmallernumbersofspeakersof Konkani and Meman, adialectof Sindhi.
- ShespeaksUrdufluently, but little Sindhi.
Language names
- Albanian
- American English
- Amharic
- Angrezi
- Aramaic
- Ebonics
- Filipino
- Finno-Ugric
- Flemish
- Georgian
- Greenlandic
- Gujarati
- Manx
- Mongolian
- Montenegrin
- Monégasque
- Nauruan
- Nepalese
- Romany
- Semitic
uk/ˈsɪn.di/us/ˈsɪn.di/relatingto theprovinceof Sindh insoutheasternPakistan, or toitspeopleorlanguage:
信德省的;信德省人的;信德语的Theyjoineda New Year'spartyhostedby alocalSindhigroup.他们参加了当地一个信德团体举办的新年聚会。
- A Sindhistudentcame toseehim in theafternoon.
- Nanak had a lot offollowersamong the Sindhipeopleand still today theyfollowhisteachings.
- Sindhiliterature
- traditionalSindhisweets