thefactthat something can bebought, used, orreached, or how much it can be:
可得性Theysuggestedthat thereadyavailabilityofjunkfoodhasencouragedpooreatinghabits.
There islimitedticketavailability, sobookearly toavoiddisappointment.
thefactof someone beingfreetospeakon thephone,work, etc.:
能出席;能参加I shallcheckthe availability of mystafffor thatdate.我要去看看那天员工能不能工作。
- She isstudyingtheimpactlocalcompanieshave onhousingavailability in theregion.
- Shewantstoincreasethe availability and affordability ofchildcareforworkingparents.
- All ofourspecialoffersaresubjectto availability.
- Having aflexiblejoballowsme toincreaseordecreasemyhoursdependingon my availability.
- He has nowmissedtwoconsecutivepracticesessions, which does notbodewell for his availability for theupcominggame.
Available and accessible
- accessibility
- accessible
- atyourcommandidiom
- available
- be here forsomeoneidiom
- drop
- nothing
- offer
- on callidiom
- on demandidiom
- on handidiom
- on streamidiom
- on/aboutyourpersonidiom
- release
- season
- unfrozen
- unlock
- unobtainable
- up for grabsidiom
- vacant