uk/sɪŋk/us/sɪŋk/sankorUSalsosunk|sunksinkverb(GO DOWN BELOW)
to (causesomething or someone to) go down below thesurfaceor to thebottomof aliquidorsoftsubstance:
(使)沉没;(使)陷入The Titanic was apassengershipwhich sank(to thebottomof theocean)in 1912.泰坦尼克号是1912年沉没(海底)的一艘客轮。
Thelegsof thegardenchairsankintothesoftground.花园椅的腿陷入松软的土中。
Enemyaircraftsank twobattleships.敌机击沉了两艘军舰。
Thedogsank herteethinto(=bit)theballandranoff with it.狗叼着球跑走了。
- We allthoughtwe were done for when theboatstartedto sink.
- Thetankerislistingbadlyandliableto sink at anymoment.
- It ishopedthat theoilslickwill sink to theseabedwhere it would becoveredwithin a fewyearsbysedimentsandeventuallydecompose.
- It's good to sink into ahottubat the end of a hard day'swork.
- We sankourteethinto theenormouscakes.
Staying afloat, capsizing & sinking
- bail out
- buoy
- buoyancy
- buoyant
- buoyantly
- capsize
- ducking
- float
- floatation
- flotation
- founder
- ground
- kickboard
- outrigger
- refloat
- ride
- scupper
- scuttle
- sunken
- waterlogged
to (causesomething or someone to)fallormoveto alowerlevel:
落下,沉下;降低Thesunglowedredas it sankslowlybelow thehorizon.太阳缓缓沉到地平线下,发出红色的余辉。
Studentnumbershave sunkconsiderablythisyear.今年的学生人数大幅减少。
UKinformalWe sank(=drank)abottleofwineeach lastnight.昨天晚上,我们每人喝了一瓶葡萄酒。
She sankbackin herchairandclosedhereyes.她跌坐在椅子上,闭上了眼睛。
He sankintodeepdespair(=becameveryunhappy)when helosthisjob.丢掉工作后,他极其绝望。
tohitaballinto aholeorpocket,especiallyingolforsnooker
(尤指在高尔夫球或斯诺克运动中)击(球)入洞- Unemploymentfigureshave sunk for the secondyearrunning.
- Wesaton themountainandwatchedthesunsink below thehorizon.
- Thelevelofteenagepregnancysankdramatically.
- He sank to theground,clutchinghischest.
- They sank to thefloorinexhaustion.
Moving downwards
- base jumping
- cascade
- descend
- dive
- drop/fall/sink like a stoneidiom
- fall
- fall down
- flop
- freefall
- go down
- parachute
- pronate
- pronation
- put
- putsomething/someonedown
- rain(something)down
- set
- setsomethingdown
- spiral
- touch
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Winning, losing & scoring in sport
todigaholein theground, or to put something into aholeduginto theground:
挖,掘(洞);把…插入,把…埋入(洞里)Sinking morewellsis thebestway ofsupplyingthepopulationwithcleandrinkingwater.要为人们提供清洁的饮用水,最好的方法是挖更多的井。
The firststageofbuildingthefenceis sinking thepostsintotheground.筑栅栏的第一步是把柱子埋进地里。
See also
- bore
- borer
- break groundidiom
- burrow
- dig
- dig(yourself)in
- digsomeone/somethingout
- drill
- excavate
- excavator
- fork
- furrow
- grubsomethingup/out
- plough
- ploughsomethingback/in
- prospect
- redrill
- rootsomethingout/up
- steam shovel
- unearth
tocausesomething tofailor be introuble:
使失败;使陷入麻烦Thisraincould sinkourplansfor thebarbecue.这场雨会让我们的户外烧烤计划泡汤。
Destroying and demolishing
- annihilate
- annihilation
- apocalypse
- bash
- bash through (something)
- be sacrificed on the altar ofsomethingidiom
- fall in
- in piecesidiom
- indestructibility
- killsomethingoff
- kill the goose that lays the golden eggidiom
- sacrifice
- self-destruct
- self-devouring
- shred
- smash
- stave
- stavesomethingin
- tear
- wipe
sink like a stone
sink or swim
sink to a whisper
sink to such a level/such depths
sink without (a) trace
sinking fast
sinking feeling
sinking ship
Phrasal verbs
sink in
sink in/sink intosomething
sink intosomething
abowlthat isattachedto thewallin akitchenorbathroomin which youwashdishesoryourhands, etc.:

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- We're only going onvacationfor aweek, butJohnwillinsiston taking everything but thekitchensink.
- You'll need astrongabrasiveforcleaningthis sink.
- There's no need to get sohetup about a fewdirtydishesin the sink!
- Put theplugin the sink andrunsomewater.
- Thekitchenwas initsoriginalstate, with a 1920s sink andstove.
Washing the dishes
- dish
- dish soap
- dishcloth
- dishrag
- dishtowel
- drainboard
- drainer
- draining board
- draining rack
- handwash
- pan scourer
- roller towel
- scouring pad
- scrubber
- sink unit
- tea cloth
- tea towel
- washing-up
- washing-up liquid
- waste disposal
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Bathroom fixtures & fittings