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单词 sleep

sleepnoun(NOT AWAKE)

therestingstatein which thebodyis notactiveand themindisunconscious
I mustgetsome sleep - I'mexhausted.我必须睡一会儿——我太累了。
See also
get/go to sleep
tosucceedin sleeping
I couldn't get to sleep at all lastnightI was soworried.昨晚我担心得无法入睡。
You'llfindthatyourbabyusually goes to sleep after afeed.你会发现你的孩子通常吃饱后就睡了。
aperiodof sleeping
UKYou must betiredafter all thatdriving- why don't youhavea little sleep?开了那么长时间的车你一定累了——为什么不睡一小会儿?
Hefellinto adeepsleep.他睡得很沉。
You'llfeelbetterafter agood night'ssleep.好好地睡一晚上以后你会感觉好些。
More examples
  • Get a good night's sleep and you'llfeelbetterabletocope.
  • Shefellinto alovelydeepsleep.
  • I'm notfeelingveryalerttoday - not enough sleep lastnight!
  • It was sohotthat I didn't get off to sleep till three o'clock.
  • Shegrindsherteethin her sleep.


ayellowishsubstancesometimesfoundin thecornersof theeyesafter sleeping


could dosthinyoursleep
go back to sleep!
go to sleep
putsthto sleep
to be in thestateofrestwhenyoureyesareclosed,yourbodyis notactive, andyourmindisunconscious
I couldn't sleep because of all thenoisenextdoor.隔壁的噪音让我睡不着。
I sleptlateonSundaymorning.我星期天早上睡懒觉了。
How can Jayne sleepatnightwith all thoseworrieson hermind!心头有那么多担心的事,杰恩晚上怎么能睡得着?
We haddinnerwith Ann and Charles and sleptthenightthere(= attheirhome).我们与安和查尔斯共进晚餐并在他们家过夜。
See also
sleepoutAustralian English
If avehicle,tent, etc. sleeps aparticularnumberofpeople, itprovidesenoughspaceorbedsfor thatnumberofpeopleto beableto sleep in it.
Thetentsleeps fourcomfortably.这顶帐篷足以容纳下四个人。
sleep like a loginformal
to sleep very well
I went tobedearly and slept like alog.我早早上了床,睡得很香。
sleep onsth
todelaymaking adecisionabout somethingimportantuntil the nextdayso that you havetimetoconsideritcarefully
Can I sleep on it, andtellyou mydecisiontomorrow?“我能不能推迟一下作决定,明天再告诉你?”
sleep roughUK
to sleepoutsidebecause you have nohomeand nomoney
Hundreds ofkidsare sleepingroughon thestreetsof thecapital.有成百上千的孩子露宿在首都街头。
More examples
  • Having amilkydrinkbeforebedhelpsme sleep.
  • Mybrotherand I slept in the sameroom.
  • Helikesto sleep on therightsideof thebed.
  • I'm sotiredI could sleep in thischair!
  • I sleptterriblylastnight.

Phrasal verbs

sleep around
sleep in
sleep over
sleep throughsth
sleep together
sleep withsb


When trying tosleepin a dark room, one would experience the most brilliant possible white spread over the entire visual field.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Treatment can be a single or repeatedsleepdeprivation, total (all night) or partial (second half of the night).
From theCambridge English Corpus
Objects and persons become named and explained during thesleep-to-waking transition.
From theCambridge English Corpus
It must be noted, however, that peripheral autonomic activity may be uncoupled from central autonomic activity in deepsleep.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These methods may lead to more precise definitions ofsleepstages and their relationships.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Significant improvements in "sleep" were observed for both groups of patients, with no significant intergroup differences.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The improvement disappeared after sleeping horizontally for a night.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Such states provoke considerable gnashing of teeth among the unfortunates whose task is to scoresleepstages.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Answering this question will help provide us with an understanding of what produces both the similarities and differences insleepmentation acrosssleepstages.
From theCambridge English Corpus
If it were not, we would always be in a dream state, for dopaminergic neurons fire similarly during all stages of thesleep-waking cycle.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The positive affect, eating, andsleepdomains were entirely eliminated because of failing at least one of these tests.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Interaction between d-amphetamine and ethanol with respect to locomotion, stereotypies, ethanol sleeping time, and the kinetics of drug elimination.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Among othersleepdisorders, four patients noticed difficulties in falling asleep in each group, and one patient had excessive daytime sleepiness in the modafinil group.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Her imagination was sleeping, or she had no artistic imagination at all.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Oscillations of the spontaneous slow wavesleeprhythm in lateral geniculate nucleus relay neurons of behaving cats.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.



These are words often used in combination withsleep.

Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.

deep sleep
Assume that awakening takes place fromdeepsleep; it takes time before recall can be made.
From theCambridge English Corpus
disturbed sleep
Physical symptoms described include eating more and havingdisturbedsleep.
From theCambridge English Corpus
good sleep
The environment is important for the initiation and maintenance ofgoodsleephygiene.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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