(alsocodiscovery)uk/ˌkəʊ.dɪˈskʌv.ər.i/us/ˌkoʊ.dɪˈskʌv.ɚ.i/theprocessofdiscoveringsomething together with one or more otherpeople, or the thing that isdiscovered:
His co-discoveryofthehumanimmunodeficiencyvirusin 1984ledto the firstbloodtesttodetectthecondition.
His excavations in Tanzanialedto his codiscoveryof"Lucy", theearliesthumanancestor.
He wasawardedtheNobelPrize for his co-discovery.
- He iscreditedwith the co-discovery of agenethat isbelievedtopreventmanycommoncancers.
- Their co-discovery of thestructureofDNAlaunchedthemoderngeneticsrevolution.
- Shereceivedanawardfor her co-discovery of theenzyme.
- Thephysicistisbestknownfor his codiscovery of the muon.
- He waschosennot only for his co-discovery more than 20yearsago, but for hisimportantleadershiproleinresearchsince then.
Finding and discovering
- a fishing expeditionidiom
- ascertain
- break (fresh/new) groundidiom
- breakthrough
- bringsomethingto lightidiom
- catchsomeonered-handedidiom
- flushsomeone/somethingout
- fossick
- found
- geocache
- pinpoint
- putsomeoneontosomething
- putyourfinger onsomethingidiom
- rake
- rakesomethingout
- red-handed
- rediscover
- rumble
- sniff
- uncover