informaluk/ˈsmɑː.ti.pænts/us/ˈsmɑːr.t̬i.pænts/pluralsmarty-pantssomeone whowantstoappearto beclever:
自作聪明的人[as form of address]Okay, smarty-pants, youtellme how to do it.好吧,自作聪明的家伙,那你告诉我怎么做呀。
Showing arrogance and conceit
- (as) proud as Luciferidiom
- airs and gracesidiom
- arrogant
- arrogantly
- as ifyouowned the placeidiom
- dog
- egocentric
- egocentrically
- egoistic
- egomaniacal
- overweening
- overweeningly
- patronize
- patronizing
- pomposity
- talk down tosomeone
- think the (whole) world revolves aroundyouidiom
- throwyourweight aroundidiom
- tin god
- toffee-nosed