[Tusually+ adv/prep]
tospreadaliquidor athicksubstanceover asurface:
涂抹(黏腻的东西)Thechildrenhad smearedpeanutbutteralloverthesofa.孩子们把花生酱抹得沙发上到处都是。
Can youexplainwhy thefrontofyourcaris smearedwithblood?你能解释一下为什么你的汽车前部沾有血迹吗?
Spreading and scattering
- all over the placeidiom
- bedaub
- bell
- bestrew
- billow
- diffuse
- dispersion
- dusting
- encroach on/uponsomething
- fan out
- go around
- go/do the roundsidiom
- radial
- smudge
- smudging
- smudgy
- spatter
- spattered
- sprinkle
- sweep
topubliclyaccusesomeone of somethingunpleasant,unreasonable, orunlikelyto betrueinordertoharmtheirreputation:
诽谤,污蔑Shedecidedtosueforlibelafter thenewspapersmeared herprivatelife.这家报纸对她的私生活造谣诬蔑,她决定以诽谤罪起诉。
Damaging reputation
- anti-defamation
- aspersion
- besmirch
- black mark
- blacken
- blot
- demonize
- dog
- dragsomeone'sname through the mire/mudidiom
- give a dog a bad nameidiom
- hurl/throw/sling mud atsomeoneidiom
- poison
- self-immolation
- show someone in a bad lightidiom
- slander
- slanderer
- slanderous
- slur
- stab
- stain
adirtymarkmade byspreadingaliquidor athicksubstanceover asurface:
(将某种液体或稠厚物质涂在表面上形成的)污点You'dlookverystylishif it wasn't for that smearofketchuponyourshirt.如果不是裙子上那抹西红柿酱的话,你看上去会很时髦。
a mark on something
- markThe backs of the chairs have left marks on the wall.
- stainShe had grass stains on her white jeans.
- smearHe had smears of tomato ketchup on his shirt.
- smudgeNo matter how often I wash my hands, I leave smudges all over my phone's screen.
- blotchHe had blotches all over his face.
- speckShe looked through the old camera lens and saw specks of dust.

Dave and Les Jacobs/Blend Images/GettyImages
Dirt & untidiness
- bloodstain
- blotch
- clutter
- contaminant
- contamination
- crud
- filthiness
- fleck
- grime
- grunge
- gunge
- muck
- omnishambles
- pollutant
- polluter
- recontamination
- scruff
- shambles
- slime
- slob
anattempttoharmsomeone'sreputationbypubliclyaccusingthem of something that isunpleasant,unreasonable, orunlikelyto betrue:
诽谤,污蔑Theprimeministerhasdismissedtheallegationsas smears andinnuendo.首相把那些指控斥为肆意诽谤和影射。
Sheclaimsshe was thevictimof a smearcampaign(=repeatedattemptstodamageherreputation).她声称自己是一系列抹黑活动的受害者。
Damaging reputation
- anti-defamation
- aspersion
- besmirch
- black mark
- blacken
- blot
- demonize
- dog
- dragsomeone'sname through the mire/mudidiom
- give a dog a bad nameidiom
- hurl/throw/sling mud atsomeoneidiom
- poison
- self-immolation
- show someone in a bad lightidiom
- slander
- slanderer
- slanderous
- slur
- stab
- stain
smearnoun[C](MEDICAL TEST)
UK(alsosmear test);(USpap smear)
amedicaltestin whichcellsfrom a woman'scervix(=entranceto thewomb)areremovedandexaminedtodiscoverif there is anydisease
(宫颈)涂片测试Medical examination
- -scopy
- anechoic
- audiological
- biopsic
- blood work
- CAT scan
- endoscopy
- histological
- histologically
- hysteroscopy
- immunohistochemical
- irradiation
- mammography
- radiography
- sigmoidoscopy
- sperm count
- stress test
- triage